Filming the hunt?

Big Tex

New member
Jan 8, 2013
I plan to spend a good amount of time calling for my two hunting partners during our upcoming hunt and I've got a decent camcorder and my buddy has a contour so we're going to try to put a bull or two down on film this year.  This should be interesting since it'll be a first for both of us, but I'm anxious to see how it works out. 

Anyone else going to try to film their hunt?

Any filming advice for a newbie?

I'll be running a camera this year.  I bought a tripod which I'm going to try and have behind me when it's time for the shot if my buddy is not with me.  I have a couple buddy's at the university in film who want to come out for hunts and shoot as well.  Should be an interesting opportunity if nothing else. 

My mother got my dad's last kill shot on film two years ago which really gave me the bug to figure out some modalities for filming the hunt.

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