First Lite Womens Clothing coming in July


New member
Mar 2, 2014
I found out today that First Lite will have 4 items for women starting in July. Best of all, they are NOT putting pink accent on it. One of the biggest complaints I hear women say about women\'s camo is manufacturers putting pink accent on everything for women.

I have gradually replaced my Walmart & Cabelas camo with some First Lite merino wool items. The fit isn\'t great buying the men\'s sizes, but its doable.

I will likely try out their Women\'s Artemis hoody this year. I don\'t really need anything, however, I will support companies that make an effort in offering women\'s camo. Cabelas does a good job with offering women\'s camo, but I am way done with fleece, polyester and cotton.
mtn Do you have to order it from the company or is there someplace that carries it. Both my daughters have a hard time finding camo they like and fits them.
I buy mine from I started out buying a custom MBG sight from him. He was a great guy helping me build my sight, so I became a repeat customer.

Recently, I noticed Cabelas carries first lite in their stores. I don\'t know if they would carry the women\'s this summer after it ships in July.

Sadly, only 2 out of the 4 women\'s first lite items will be \"top\" layers.

Icebreaker has more merino wool tops & vests, but they are the Realtree pattern. Sign up for emails and you may see 20% off everything in early July. I bought one vest to try this year. I wear a black merino wool zip top in September with one other top or vest over it until 9 or 10 am.

I prefer ASAT for top layer and use earth color kanab first lite pants. The fit of the pants is way off, but I do not have to wear rain pants in light to medium rain with the wool pants.

Hopefully, first lite women\'s clothing will take off and they will expand their offerings.
Good info Mtnmutt, let us know how it works out

PS I always thought the pink camo was for hunting flamingos
Probably why I haven\'t seen you in pink Brad. The home range of the flamingo does not extend that far North. Now Dan on the other hand, is a different story! :lol:
cnelk, LoL. The pink camo is probably very useful in FL.

Here is the 2015 First Lite catalog. They created their own new camo pattern called First Lite Fusion Camo.

If anyone is new to hunting out West, merino wool base layer will be your new best friend. I recommend tops with zips in order to vent when climbing up a hill and as daytime temps rise. You don\'t need many merino wool pieces since they do not stink like synthetics. Easy to air out by turning inside out and placing in the mid day sun. UV light kills bacteria. No need to wash them while at camp.
Mutt, I would hardly notice if a lady was wearing pink fringed camo. I am sure the game animals don\'t notice the difference. The ones I would watch out for are the guys wearing the pink frilly camo. Their sleeping bag won\'t be anywhere near mine. :roll:
I agree with Mutt on a couple things ... pink camo is ugly, and First Lite stuff is good.

First Lite isn\'t cheap, but, like everything, they have discount sales, which is how I got my Kanab pants. The nice thing about wool is lack of stink, but I also love the way my Kanabs fit. Long enough for a guy with slightly longer legs.

I should qualify my statement about pink camo, though. It\'s not really \"ugly\", and I\'m for anything that gets more people interested in hunting and game conservation, and so if pink camo is it, then I\'m all for it. But I wouldn\'t want a woman to feel like she has a \"second-class\" appearance, or a \"kids\" pink rifle.

As for pink handguns, I\'m completely against them. If my wife ever has to use a handgun in defense, I\'d want her to feel like God\'s Own Badass Enforcer, not a petite college girl who thinks her .38 is \"cute\". Plus, what if I had to use a pink gun to defend the house? With my luck, it\'d be some of the deputies that I know personally who would show up, and they\'d have their iPhones out, laughing, taking pictures of me and my pink handgun.

\"Cute\" and \"handgun\" shouldn\'t be used in the same sentence.
The color pink needs new PR.

Baby blue remains under the radar. For the record, my next arrows will have pink wraps, pink hen vanes, and a white cock vane. I don\'t care what my hunt buds say. I just see that color best against green. :). (They will look fabulous)

And back to FL. If you know any LEO, they get 40% off. Jus sayin.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
my next arrows will have pink wraps, pink hen vanes, and a white cock vane. I don\'t care what my hunt buds say. I just see that color best against green. . (They will look fabulous)

That sounds great to me. To be honest, my wife bought we a couple of pink shirts. I get a lot of complements from the ladies at church. They genuinely like the color of them. The guys never notice.
Elky, you would be surprised at the number of guys here that use pink vanes. Some guys even carry one pink arrow in their quiver in honor of a loved one who had breast cancer. Pink vanes are so much easier to see. I use 3 pink ones. Since I number my arrows, I put the number on the cock vane. I tried 2 orange and one white. The orange is not visible in the oak brush leaves and the white one is surprise, surprise not visible in snow. I shoot outside year round, so an arrow into the snow happens occasionally.

I do not currently know a LEO. I am fortunate that I do not need to replace any gear this year and I am mostly set for camping and hunting season. Like all of us, I do have a wish list, but it is not a must have list. I can wait until Steve has his 4th of July sale. It only last 1-2 days.

Swede, You know your wife is trying to show you off at church, right?

I wear pink t-shirts, however...Pink camo is just plain ugly and it looks stupid. Camo with pink zippers looks even stupider. Kudos again to FirstLite for not putting pink on their new women\'s line.
Mutt: Except for a little Malwart camo they had on clearance, I have not bought any clothing for myself for many years. I think you are right about my wife. She tries, but some things are hard to make show quality.
I\'ve got arrows at the bow shop right now getting done in pink vanes. I could care less what people think, if it helps me to see them better that\'s all I care about.

I would love to try some of the First Lite clothing since using wool socks last year, I\'m a fan of wool. I hope to have more for my next elk hunt.

Like deertick said if pink helps get new people into hunting, that\'s great. I\'m not personally a fan of it but I guess it serves a purpose as a marketing technique. I\'m all for introducing people to the sport of hunting, the more hunters the more revenue generated for conservation!
My daughter has pink and white vanes on her arrows. They look good and you can see them pretty good.
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