GPS Named Spots

I like to keep my stuff simple. I use names like: Truck, truck1, camp, camp1, home, tent, deadelk, deadelk2, deadelk3. If I drop my pack or gear and plan to travel a decent distance I will mark that too, but I normally go nomadic(carry everything on my back) if I\'m not hunting from the truck. I don\'t mark wallows, sightings, trails, etc on my GPS. I use a map and commit everything to memory. I figure if I can\'t remember where it was on the map it wasn\'t important enough. I also have been blessed with a pretty good photographic memory.

I\'m curious if i\'m the only person left who still carries a map AND uses it.
\"ihuntforchrist\" said:
I\'m curious if i\'m the only person left who still carries a map AND uses it.

I carry a Quadrant map of my spot. I mark wallows and other info on it.
I pretty much have the exact same system as ihuntforchrist. The only time I mark a wallow or something is if it really significant. This year I found one I called the tar pit. From a distance I thought it was made by cattle. It wasn\'t. It is about 30 yards by 100 yards and all one solid mess of wallow. I do mark elk sightings quite a bit to see if I can put together some sort of pattern. Sometimes seeing all the dots helps. Once I leave the area, I delete to marks. I mark and delete a lot. I also just feel unprepared without a paper map. Nothing gives you the big picture better than a big map.
I put marks on the GPS but hardly ever name them. I figure if I can\'t remember what the marks were for a year or two later, they probably weren\'t worth marking in the first place.

But the older and more forgetful I get, I\'m beginning to have some doubt about my system! :wtf:

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