How big is this bull #2


New member
Mar 8, 2014
[attachment=0]Labor Day Bull resized.jpg[/attachment.

I passed this bull up in this sequence after calling him in on Labor day. I was hunting a bigger bull. I ended up shooting him with just a few days left in the season. The story of this bull was in Bow & Arrow Hunting magazine last fall.


  • Labor Day Bull resized.jpg
    374.7 KB · Views: 279
Hint - this is one of those bulls where his mass measurements make his score a bit higher than you might think....
\"Jaquomo\" said:
Hmmmm, interesting that we have a 50\" swing in estimates...... :wtf:

That\'s probably mine..... me guessing bull scores is like me trying to do open heart surgery.


give me a few years and let me kill a few bulls to practice measuring :D
\"iccyman001\" said:
\"Jaquomo\" said:
Hmmmm, interesting that we have a 50\" swing in estimates...... :wtf:

That\'s probably mine..... me guessing bull scores is like me trying to do open heart surgery.


give me a few years and let me kill a few bulls to practice measuring :D

That\'s ok and I are just trying to \"bracket\" it. :dance2: Hope you get to tune your heart surgery skills this fall! :D
The straight on picture is probably going to make guess high because of the girth around the base, but I would guess 226.

the picture of him in the mud, was that a home-brew picture? game camera? Or did you take that?
Last one. A couple of you guys are close, some pretty far off. Really shows how difficult it is for even experienced elk slayers to estimate score from photos. I\'m in the same boat!

I\'ll post the \"official\" P&Y gross score in the morning.


  • Froggy with elk hat resized.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 220
Wow if it wasn\'t for the one eye guard I wouldn\'t even think the mud pic and the last one were the same bull. Pictures definitely can be deceiving.

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