How big is this bull #2

306....? my guess sucked last time. question, is this guy used for a clothes dryer :D
Wow...I like these threads. Amazing how much different some pics can make a bull look. The first two pics he looks WAY bigger than the last one when he is one the ground.
Well, I\'m 6\'4\", and unlike some others I don\'t get way behind my animals in the photos to make them look bigger. If I\'d done that he would have looked a lot larger! :)

zpd, I did have him mounted, my first elk shoulder mount, mostly because of the way the hunt went down. It was a special hunt, where this bull kept running into me all season wherever I went, sometimes miles away in a different OTC unit. It was like we were destined to be together.

Now he\'s hanging in a friend\'s cabin near mine, because I killed a 350 that I wanted to mount and was out of wall space. The 350 needed to be bookended with a 366 caribou, and I have other bulls, bucks, and a red deer hanging elsewhere. My friend is a lifelong hunter who only seems to kill animals with ears, not bone, on their heads. So he\'s enjoying old \"Froggy\" and I get to stop by and visit him whenever I want.
I am curious as to how this ends.... my screw up bull that I lost last fall looks pretty close to this bull...... after all the pics :(
lou, I have plenty of those hunts, just not of elk :D my Kansas turkey trip was fun!!! just no mounts...
I\'m always amazed at how much smaller they look on the ground as opposed to on the hoof. After seeing Lou\'s trophy photo, I\'d adjust my score but that\'d be cheating. I usually guess 20\" over on the hoof. Normally the 330 that I\'d swear I just shot turns to something closer to 300 when I find him ;)
Ok, good morning fellers. Here goes:

The night before the season that year my partner and I glassed him on a ridge. We both went back and forth over his gross score, since it\'s impossible to figure deductions unless there\'s some glaring abnormality. We agreed that he was just a hair under 300.

After the 60 day drying, his gross score was................................... 292 1/8

Net 285 7/8

Part of what got him was the inside spread of only 32\". While it appears that one fifth is shorter than the other, they are actually only 1/8\" apart.

These sorts of exercises are why I\'m always skeptical when guys tell me about a \"300\" bull they shot but didn\'t score, or the \"330\" they saw. It\'s so difficult to field judge elk unless you\'ve taped a whole bunch of them.

Over in CO unit 2 there is a gene for long beams and narrow racks. That\'s why you\'ll often see photos taken with the bull from the side. I know of some 325 bulls that easily could have been mistaken for 345 bulls in the woods because of this. 24\" inside spread instead of the 44\" of a really good bull.

Bottom line: If he looks big enough to you, no matter whether 200 or 300, shoot him, be happy, and don\'t worry about the \"score\".
Dan, I forgot to answer your question about the wallow pic - it was a trail cam. He loved that wallow and I got a bunch of photos of him there, but I killed him a mile and a half away from it.

Funny about wallows - that season and the one before I got pics of elk at it almost every day, but never of a big bull. Small-medium bulls, lots of cows and calves. A couple great ones of calves in the mud up to their necks. The next year I got zero elk pics. For some reason they quit using it, even though nothing changed.

Best of luck with the open heart surgery. I\'ve performed more than 50 of them on elk, and none survived the procedure.. I\'m also 0-for-1 on CPR on a hunter I was guiding, but that\'s another story... :(


  • Froggy Wallow 4 resized.jpg
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Best of luck with the open heart surgery. I\'ve performed more than 50 of them on elk, and none survived the procedure.. I\'m also 0-for-1 on CPR on a hunter I was guiding, but that\'s another story... :(
:haha: ... :wtf: ... :ill:
\"Jaquomo\" said:
Dan, I forgot to answer your question about the wallow pic - it was a trail cam. He loved that wallow and I got a bunch of photos of him there, but I killed him a mile and a half away from it.

Funny about wallows - that season and the one before I got pics of elk at it almost every day, but never of a big bull. Small-medium bulls, lots of cows and calves. A couple great ones of calves in the mud up to their necks. The next year I got zero elk pics. For some reason they quit using it, even though nothing changed.

Best of luck with the open heart surgery. I\'ve performed more than 50 of them on elk, and none survived the procedure.. I\'m also 0-for-1 on CPR on a hunter I was guiding, but that\'s another story... :(

What a cool spot to put up a trail camera, those are awesome pictures.

I\'m also a huge fan of heart surgery with the bow ;)

\"Baby Huey\" said:
Dan good job, looks like you can start on your open heart surgery!

Thanks Lou!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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