How many arrows?

5 in the quiver and 12 at base camp or car. Never have used more than 1 on an elk but I\'ve seen friends run out. Actually had a buddy who always carried 3. Shot em all up finishing a bull off and actually retrieved a passthru and shot it again for the finisher. I bet he felt pretty stupid and yes, he carries more now.
I\'ve had the same dozen arrows for about 3 years now. No, there\'s not a complete dozen anymore - I think I actually have 10 left now - but I only carry 4 with me in the field. I keep 3 with broadheads and one with a judo. The rest stay in camp for practice.
five in the quiver if i am packing in.

add five to my bow bag (slipped into a plastic tube in the long pocket) if i have a truck camp planned.
\"mainebrdr\" said:
Hey Pop-r, sometime you need to recount the tale of flinging 9 arrows at the same bull. I promise my response would be respectful!
Hey mainebrdr, here it goes to make a LONG story short. Had hunted HARD for 2 weeks with nothing to show for it! Had called up one dink the whole time & was thoroughly frustrated & wore out! I had been seeing track\'s in a honey hole I have dwn low the couple time\'s I had went to check it out but never found them. I know the area well & have had great success in there many time\'s but the elk move onto & off of private & u just have to catch them in there. Anyway, I had checked a wallow, everytime in there & it hadn\'t been hit yet. On the Fri before the closing Sun we were leaving & decided to hit the \"honey hole\" one more time. It was the coldest morning of the season yet & yet again nothing! I decided to swing dwn thru a draw to check that wallow again & on my way dwn to it I was seeing fresh sign. I told my bro they have been here very recent!! We got to the wallow & it was demolished with fresh green grass laying all in it. I told him that he had been in it last night ! He immediately said \"he\'s been in it in the last hour\"! So I said lets try & bugle up this draw. (a lil small finger draw that one would hardly ever believe would hold elk but... He immediately answered & was PISSED!! & on the way!! Her we are in the wide open & there\'s a big fir at 50 yds. I knew we needed to b at that tree but he\'s running at us from ab 200 yds & has done let me know again he\'s pissed!! We hunkered thinking he\'d come dwn the branch to us. He sidehilled to us & stopped directly behind the big fir, stared dwn at his wallow & knew he should see the bull & started to leave so I stopped him & drew. I remember takin extra time to aim & let her go. Didn\'t see it or know what happened. My bro was so shook up he couldn\'t draw his bow! Lol after no bl ood trail at all I located hima b 200 yds but not expired. The other 8 arrows were shot while he was at 40 yds & to our knowledge 4 of them hit him.
I normally bring a dozen and carry five with me in the quiver. I\'ve yet to use more than a couple but when you get out there you don\'t want to wish you had brought more arrows or more broadheads. Easier to just bring \'em with and be safe.
Four in the quiver, the rest back in the truck. If I get four shots at an elk, I\'ll be the happiest guy on the earth. If I miss four times I\'ll be the saddest.

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