How many coolers for a boned out elk?


New member
Sep 3, 2017
How many coolers will need to bring a boned elk back home?

I\'m thinking one big one isn\'t going to be enough. Should I go with two big ones or three medium ones?
i had a big cooler an bought another one last year. turns out i got my boned out elk in it an 2 bags of ice. it was full. i will only take one big one now, or maybe a big one an small one. but wont waste room for both my big ones
Could you specify the cooler size? 100 qt or 150 qt size?

My gathering of information from other sites indicated at least 150 qt total for cow or young bull deboned. For a monster bull, people indicated needing more space. I have not had the pleasure of trying out my large coolers with elk meat :cry:
If the meat is cut into smaller, more manageable pieces, it should fit into a large cooler. Packed tight.
Its gonna be heavy tho. The handles tend to break on those Igloo cooler

There have been times we didnt have enough coolers, so we laid out sleeping bags in the back of the truck, stack the meat on them, and covered them up with more sleeping bags.
Then drive to town and get some ice bags and nestle those down in there too.
I drove 8 hours like this once
I have three 60 qt coolers and always have some very large rubbermaid containers which contain hunting/camping gear. I figure that if I needed more space than the coolers provide I\'d use one of the rubbermaid containers I\'d wrap it in sleeping bags until I could get another cooler on my drive back to town.
I think my cooler is 164 quarts. As mentioned before it is plenty big for one elk.

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