I\'m not a good caller so should I even try?

\"Still Hunter\" said:
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
Still - If we are just out to fill their tag then sure let them experience and learn. But I too would like to fill my tag. Do I lower my odds by allowing them to have practice?

No of course not John. If you were really in that situation you wouldn\'t let him call for your hunt. Let him call for his own hunt, and help him if he needs it. I find no excuse for going on an elk hunt unprepared. There\'s lots of elk calls that are easy to learn.

I\'ve never called for my whole hunting career, but last year when I was thinking of trying it I got some calls sent to me. After a week of practice I went and visited a friend of mine who is a good caller. I called for him, and he said i\'d have no problem calling in elk, but knowing me he laughed that I was even considering calling. My point is, if I can learn in a week to call. That anybody should be able to do it, and if someone can\'t devote a week of practice before a hunt they should take up fishing.

:shock: :shock: Calling......Still, you\'ve come over to the Dark Side! :wave: Soon, Swede will follow right behind you. My evil plan is working! :dance2:
Now, the ultimate would be Still Hunter up in a tree stand, calling!!!! :haha: :haha: :haha:
You guys missed the part of me trying it last year. That was when I was on Paul\'s forum.

I doubt i\'ll be elk hunting again, but if I do it will be with a method I know works for me.

I\'ll leave the calling to you youngsters. :D
\"Still Hunter\" said:
You guys missed the part of me trying it last year. That was when I was on Paul\'s forum.

I doubt i\'ll be elk hunting again, but if I do it will be with a method I know works for me.

I\'ll leave the calling to you youngsters. :D

Brad we\'re loosing him!!!! Quick someone send Still another call! :D
Just so you know, I call for elk whenever I can. \"Hey are the steaks done yet?\" That is my favorite call for elk. :lol:
The answer is: Yes, if you want to get better, you should try. And here is how you do it. Practice, practice, practice!!! But as I said in an earlier post, the elk woods is not the time or the place to practice. Guys that do this are only educating the elk and ruining other guys hunt.

AMEN to that!!! First of all, this is a great forum. I would consider myself to be a really good caller. The way I got that way was PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE...during the off season. I always have calls in my truck to practice while driving and I have spent A LOT of time watching, listening and replicating videos of real elk. I also pay attention when I hear real elk in the woods and try pick out exactly what is happening when I hear particular sounds. In my experience timing and frequency give more people away than the actual call. Some of the worst calling I have ever heard came from an actual elk. Making the correct sound is in my opinion about half of calling elk.

With all that said if you don\'t understand the language, don\'t try to speak it. To borrow and old saying, It\'s better to remain silent and be thought a human than open one\'s mouth and remove all doubt. If you are not a good caller, you are only lessening your odds of success. Plenty of guys kill elk every year without making a sound.
Thanks guys,

With the topics and contributors I see here, this may be the new best elk hunting resource online. I\'m just happy to be here!
Well I totally disagree.

If you want to learn to call of coarse you need to at least have a rough cow and bugle before you go hunting. When I say rough I don\'t care if its the ugliest bugle ever !! All elk don\'t have a perfect 2-3 note bugle. I\'ve called in elk that I thought for sure were beginner elk callers only to have a 3-4 point bull step out !!

I say get out there and try. I don\'t mean walk all day blowing on your call but walk a bit and stop and give a call or two. There is way more to calling then just blowing a call. Timing and when to call are just as important as calling.

I\'ve had many new callers out with me and when the bulls don\'t answer my nice well practiced bugles I let the new caller have a go at it !! You\'ll be surprised by how many times we have had a bull bugle back to the beginners bugle !!

So if your hunting partners won\'t let you call go your own way or find new partners !! There not worth hunting with anyways as they will be the ones that always want to shoot first as well !! I got no time for guys that are all me me me !!!

Good points by all.

Is it possible that some elk are a little more educated than others? Just last year my son, 12 years old, called in a rag horn with hoochies. But this was in a honey hole that doesn\'t see much hunting pressure. If we head 60 miles south from that spot, we\'d find a lot more elk and a lot more primos calls. We\'ve learned that in order to make this area produce, sounds must be perfected.

Will the elk get educated on bad sounds? One must practice to get better, but is the woods really the best place to learn?
I think bad calling can \'bring in\' elk, but along with that bad calling, those rookies also make mistakes that can educated elk.
Such as:
Not adjusting to the movement of the elk
Not paying attention to the wind
Drawing at the wrong time
And the worst of all is, calling when the elk can see you

Its not just bad calling that educates elk, but other factors can also educate them
Ok I have to ask you guys that are the good callers. Do you ever make a call that once in awhile makes you think to yourself where the heck did that come from. I practice my calls and think I sound good but I still have one come out that sounds terrible once in awhile. I hunt solo when I\'m out so I don\'t worry about messing anyone else up just myself.
Still - How about be sneaky until it\'s time to get loud. Then back to sneaky. :downthumb: :upthumb: :D

FM - Sure, I make an occasional bad sound from time to time. Someone who never \'squeaks\' is someone who doesn\'t call a lot. :D But there is a difference between occasional and all the time. ;)
John I just wanted to make sure I was not the only one that calls yotys once in awhile. :silent:
We need not over think this. Elk are smart yes but new babies are born every year and they have never heard bad sounds. They may grow old not hearing any human elk sounds !!

If you go out into the woods as a new caller and are afraid to call because you feel you\'ll scare the elk away............you\'ll never call in any elk !!

If you don\'t try you\'ll never succeed !! I have called elk in multiple times each season and some have been called in multiple times in the same season ! Now I may be a pro caller but that doesn\'t mean I never make a bad sound !! Honestly I\'m usually by myself so I could care less about a bad sound.

When I have other\'s with me and I make a bad sound now that does bother me but not much. I just look at them and tell them these things happen and we all will make bad sounds !! I have a feeling people are more afraid of making bad sounds in front of others !! That is just human nature !! Folks a few bad elk sound will never hurt anything. Don\'t be fooled.
FM - I\'m like Wapiti. After giving a squeak, my shooters will glance at me with puzzled looks. My comment is always \"That sound is special and I\'ll teach it to you some day.\" Once, one didn\'t get the joke and said, \"ok look forward to it\". Lol!!!!

Trav - I can understand that in order to get better one must practice real life situations. But you wouldn\'t recommend someone opening the reed package on the day before the hunt, then practice calling as they hunt. When I define bad caller, it\'s the never practice type callers.

If someone practiced throughout the year and was a mediocre caller, I would be happy to let them call. If it sounds like they\'ve never touched the reed all year, I\'ll do all the calling and think about inviting them back next year. ;)

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