I sat the rest of the day a ways away in another \"fencerow\" stand. Saw a few does and around 4:30, a GIANT. I got a good look at him with the binos, a tall, wide 10 that I\'m guessing would be every bit of 165 if not 170\'s. He had a doe and they entered what I thought would lead them right to me but I never saw em. DANG! My heart was racing for the whole last hour of shooting light. Awesome! I live for this stuff
The next 6 days I sat all day every day without a single sighting of a really big deer. I did see a 125ish 8 that I drew on 3 times before deciding for good that I\'d only shoot a \"pants crapper\". The more deer I passed the easier it got. My friend Charlie, an accomplished WT killer, tells me I\'m one hunt closer to killing a true bomber. Either way I had a hell of a good time and have no regrets! :upthumb:
Ditto on the peeing - I\'ve had them come in and make scrapes after smelling my pee. Now I not only pee in every scrape I find, but sometimes bring it in in a bottle from camp just for that purpose. Drive bucks nuts. Too bad Phil still believes the old wive\'s tale. Even when I have to go \"Number 2\", I just dig a little cat hole by my ground blinds and let \'er fly.
Congrats on a good hunt and on Joe and Phil\'s nice bucks. Good pics! Bums me out that I didn\'t get out on the plains this year.
I am going to say it too, in all of my experiences....pee has never bothered a whitetail one bit!!!!
FYI, you mentioned you\'d never killed a GOOD whitetail buck.
While I can\'t tie one up for you to shoot, I can offer you a spot with me next year in Oklahoma if you\'d like to try something new.
The terrain makes it very interesting for bow hunting deer, a true challenge if you ask me. 30K acres of bow only, so there are some really good deer out there, you just have to hunt them hard.....which I am pretty sure that on your worst day you hunt harder than 95% of other hunters.
Anyways, lots of time to thinking about it and offer is there. Cheap tags and I too like to have good accommodations for my deer hunt. You have a spot in my trailer if you\'d like. :upthumb:
Agree with Lou on the peeing in scrape deal. Tried it once about 6 years ago and watched a 3 1/2 year old work it over. I was really surprised but definitely no more piss bottles for me.
Thanks for taking us along, Will. I\'ve never been to that country ...
Nor have I ever worried about pee. I\'m with Lou, et al. But, I understand you may have been \"under orders\" and we must always accept the rules of our hosts.