IL deer hunt (pic heavy)

Not a giant for the area but Phil was on limited time and had 2 buck tags. He was happy!


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I sat the rest of the day a ways away in another \"fencerow\" stand. Saw a few does and around 4:30, a GIANT. I got a good look at him with the binos, a tall, wide 10 that I\'m guessing would be every bit of 165 if not 170\'s. He had a doe and they entered what I thought would lead them right to me but I never saw em. DANG! My heart was racing for the whole last hour of shooting light. Awesome! I live for this stuff

Here\'s a shot of the fencerow I was in


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The next 6 days I sat all day every day without a single sighting of a really big deer. I did see a 125ish 8 that I drew on 3 times before deciding for good that I\'d only shoot a \"pants crapper\". The more deer I passed the easier it got. My friend Charlie, an accomplished WT killer, tells me I\'m one hunt closer to killing a true bomber. Either way I had a hell of a good time and have no regrets! :upthumb:

Here\'s a few more pics from my hunt.
Had this freshly made under my stand one day and had hopes that something nice would come and visit.


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So much for that. This monster showed :)


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So foggy one day my dang rangefinder wouldn\'t work.


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Another lil buck. I dont\' know how many of these 1.5 year olds I saw. Sometimes 8-10 a day. Made for exciting all day sits


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And another. Story of my hunt. These dudes would not have been safe in Jersey :)


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And so the sun sets on my latest attempt at a big whitetail buck. I\'ll be back. Lookout Booners! I love bowhuntn

HOpe y\'all enjoyed. Happy Thanksgiving BTO!


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Quality hunt with a couple of good bucks taken. Great pics Will!

Whitetail hunting is on my bucket list! :think:
Thanks for sharing all the pics, and enjoyed the story.

Don\'t worry about the pee, it wont affect the deer. Actually put it right in the scrapes the whitetails will work them over.
Ditto on the peeing - I\'ve had them come in and make scrapes after smelling my pee. Now I not only pee in every scrape I find, but sometimes bring it in in a bottle from camp just for that purpose. Drive bucks nuts. Too bad Phil still believes the old wive\'s tale. Even when I have to go \"Number 2\", I just dig a little cat hole by my ground blinds and let \'er fly.

Congrats on a good hunt and on Joe and Phil\'s nice bucks. Good pics! Bums me out that I didn\'t get out on the plains this year. :(
Great story and love the pics, Will!!!!

I am going to say it too, in all of my experiences....pee has never bothered a whitetail one bit!!!!

FYI, you mentioned you\'d never killed a GOOD whitetail buck.
While I can\'t tie one up for you to shoot, I can offer you a spot with me next year in Oklahoma if you\'d like to try something new.
The terrain makes it very interesting for bow hunting deer, a true challenge if you ask me. 30K acres of bow only, so there are some really good deer out there, you just have to hunt them hard.....which I am pretty sure that on your worst day you hunt harder than 95% of other hunters.

Anyways, lots of time to thinking about it and offer is there. Cheap tags and I too like to have good accommodations for my deer hunt. You have a spot in my trailer if you\'d like. :upthumb:
Agree with Lou on the peeing in scrape deal. Tried it once about 6 years ago and watched a 3 1/2 year old work it over. I was really surprised but definitely no more piss bottles for me.
Thanks for taking us along, Will. I\'ve never been to that country ...

Nor have I ever worried about pee. I\'m with Lou, et al. But, I understand you may have been \"under orders\" and we must always accept the rules of our hosts.

Those were two nice bucks. I\'m jealous.

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