It\'s been a week


New member
Jun 30, 2014
Of torture! Swede keeps calling me every 15 mins to tell me about all the big bucks and bulls he is tying up to the trees for Stringunner, his dad, brother and myself. He has been quite busy. To busy to remember to bring a toothbrush and floss. Guess he is gunna have fuzzy teeth until I get there. :D I guess that needs to get added to Fitz\'s list of what not to forget!
Good luck to ya\'ll.....shoot straight and follow through until that dang arrow is on the other side! :mg:
Good luck to you all. I can\'t wait to hear all of your stories and see pictures.

Maybe next year you can tie some Blacktail up for me? :dk:

\"iccyman001\" said:
Good luck to you all. I can\'t wait to hear all of your stories and see pictures.

Maybe next year you can tie some Blacktail up for me? :dk:


You know it Dan.....let\'s do some brainstorming this winter when the dust settles from the slaughter you are going to put on this fall! Good luck and clear some room in your freezer buddy!
\"cohunter14\" said:
Luke, has Swede given you any solid updates as of yet? Is he seeing much for elk?

Swede got there Monday afternoon, parked the trailer, and set up camp. He checked two game cams that evening and said they had \"fair\" use. One cam showed a few elk and a really nice bull showed up as well. The other cam had more pictures and more frequent use...nothing mind blowing. The next day (Tuesday) he checked a cam that we had checked a few weeks prior. When we checked it my camera was malfunctioning and firing off every other minute. I had 13,000+ pics of scenery and a few decent bulls...but overall slow action considering it had been \"soaking\" for a month. I was not thrilled with that spot. So Swede went in there without a taking a stand. He figured if it was still poor he would just grab the cam and leave. Well, it showed a few bulls are hitting it with some frequency. So he had to hike back to the truck and get a stand as it looks worthy...right now. The problem with all our spots is things flux wildly based on a massive infusion of hunters during the week leading up to the opener...that and natural elk movements... bachelor groups breaking up to go find girl friends. So what might be lights out hot yesterday can be cold as ice in a week. Then Ol Swede went to another spot Tuesday and found his prized $500 Reconyx taking a dirt nap. Shortly after he put it up with only a was swatted down. He couldn\'t tell by what but the offender appeared to be furry...with paws. So it was face down in the dirt. He said that spot looked promising as well and he could smell the elk at the water. It could have just been \"B.O\" since it is a decent hike in there. He has seen no active wallows at any of our spots....yet. I say yet because the one he went to today was creamed last year by this time. So that was Tuesday. Wednesday he went to a few more spots and found one that is getting hit pretty good. We have no cam in that spot as other people hunt there at times and it is a good place for a camera to grow legs and walk out. He did put a stand on it hopefully it stays hot and the stand stays put. I have not heard from him today yet but I will. The good news is that he was tripping over his lower lip a week ago hearing the cattle might be in heavy in spots but has now found it isn\'t bad at all...things are looking good enough to not have to exit stage left and go to plan B....whatever that might end up being. So there is the play by play for now. I will report back next week or so.
I hope to have one tied up for ya Oly by the time you get to camp tomorrow, since you feel like sleeping in before you leave!!! My brother and I plan to leave Prineville about 4:30 am.

I went up and checked cams this past weekend, seeing about the same as Swede, nothing hot but a few aren\'t cold either. Hit a deer on the trip pulling my rv which I planned to leave up there as Swede was arriving Monday and agreed to keep an eye on things, but the deer messed up the truck and took out the axle on my trailer. Just picked the trailer up about an hour ago with a new weld job that should hold till I get back and they can drop the tanks and finishing welding. Sitting at Schwabs now getting 4 new tires on the trailer. Haven\'t even made it to camp yet and already this elk is about costing me $200 a lb!!! I hope swede gets a few tied fast or this just turned into a really expensive camping trip!

Good luck to you all. Team Tie Em and Fry Em is about to launch!
Great reports guys, sounds like you are in for some good action right off the bat! Keep us updated as possible...many of us are living vicariously through you all right now!
Hey Oly...
Since Swede is already up in a tree, tell him to go \'out on a limb\' and try making a few mews every once in awhile! :)

Good luck to you guys!
\"Stringunner\" said:
I hope to have one tied up for ya Oly by the time you get to camp tomorrow, since you feel like sleeping in before you leave!!! My brother and I plan to leave Prineville about 4:30 am.

I went up and checked cams this past weekend, seeing about the same as Swede, nothing hot but a few aren\'t cold either. Hit a deer on the trip pulling my rv which I planned to leave up there as Swede was arriving Monday and agreed to keep an eye on things, but the deer messed up the truck and took out the axle on my trailer. Just picked the trailer up about an hour ago with a new weld job that should hold till I get back and they can drop the tanks and finishing welding. Sitting at Schwabs now getting 4 new tires on the trailer. Haven\'t even made it to camp yet and already this elk is about costing me $200 a lb!!! I hope swede gets a few tied fast or this just turned into a really expensive camping trip!

Good luck to you all. Team Tie Em and Fry Em is about to launch!

I need extra rest to help pack out your 350 bull Jeremy. You know you are not supposed to go backwards after killing that 320 right? :train:

Brad, I will try but you know what they say about teaching an ol dog new tricks right?
\"cnelk\" said:
Hey Oly...
Since Swede is already up in a tree, tell him to go \'out on a limb\' and try making a few mews every once in awhile! :)

Good luck to you guys!

I feel like I\'m back in High School. \"Come on, Swede, just try it.\"
Ryan, you leaving Friday? I wish it was cause that means I leave the next day! By the way I appreciate some of the tips and observations you have been sharing!
\"mainebrdr\" said:
Ryan, you leaving Friday? I wish it was cause that means I leave the next day! By the way I appreciate some of the tips and observations you have been sharing!
good luck guys! tim, I will be thinking of you :upthumb:
Well I\'m back. For me it was more than a week. It was nearly three weeks in the forest. It was great at times and close akin to hell at others. Don\'t worry about my teeth guys. I improvised and borrowed my brother\'s used one. Seriously. He also came through with some floss too. It was new. :D
I will have stories soon, but am beat for now. Also I\'m not looking forward to straightening Brad and Tick out on this calling from a stand issue again. Can you believe it will take another talk? Now there is a pair of slow learners. :lol:
Olympus - tell us the truth. Was this the same gimp cow that all other hunters passed on because they felt sorry for her? :D

Just kidding John.....Congrats buddy.
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
Olympus - tell us the truth. Was this the same gimp cow that all other hunters passed on because they felt sorry for her? :D

Just kidding John.....Congrats buddy.

It sounds like she might have been gimp from packing around that much weight. She probably appreciated being shot and not having to hike up and down those hills being so fat! :D
I am elated she was fat and dry. Stupid and gimp elk are fine with me if they taste good. I am looking forward to finding out if this cow meets my personal standards on the plate. :D

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