Kitties like Turkey Too !


New member
Aug 9, 2017

I know it\'s been awhile...but I had a very cool encounter I wanted to share. Took this at 8 feet on Sunday (I was turkey calling aggressively).

There\'s that \"Oh Crap\" moment when you realize it\'s NOT a gobbler coming in. Turned my head when I saw the color...and he stopped (2 more steps and he\'d have been in my lap). He watched me patiently as I fished my cellphone out of my leg pocket, futzed around with it, and finally started grabbing some pics (more like \"rapid firing\" lol).

He finally got tired of the game, and turned around and walked off. Cool encounter for sure!
YIKES!!!!! More power to you for reaching for your phone!!!!!
My hand would have been pushing my hammer down on my .357, just in case he wanted to come \"sit in my lap\".

Very cool encounter, Jeff! :upthumb:
Dang that\'s what I call a ohhh s#$% moment Jeff. Glad it decided to leave.

Good to hear from you again. :upthumb:
I want to shoot a cat so bad! Full body mount above my stairs would look amazing! Too bad a cat hunt is 5k!
\"Ucsdryder\" said:
I want to shoot a cat so bad! Full body mount above my stairs would look amazing! Too bad a cat hunt is 5k!

In my home State...the only \"Trophy\" I\'ll ever be able to have is this pic :downthumb:
Not too many people get to see a cat like that especially that close. That\'s something you will remember forever that\'s for sure.
\"Don K\" said:
Not too many people get to see a cat like that especially that close. That\'s something you will remember forever that\'s for sure.

They say \"lightning never strikes twice\" Don...but about 15 years ago, I had another big cat stalk in on me within 15 feet. When I finally saw him, I had stood up and turned around, and he was there, crouched with ears laid back. I drew my bow on him, and he turned and walked off. Like you said, all the details of that encounter are burned into my memory for sure. :upthumb:

I only have one encounter of a cat out in New Mexico. My son had a youth permit and we where stalking in on a bull that was screaming his head off. Unknown to us a large cat was doing the same thing. We met at about 10 yards and that thing took off like a jet getting out of there. That was no where near having one stalk in on me (like you) and that was good enough of a encounter for my liking.
Wowsers!!! Nerves of steel to go for a cell phone with a cat that close.
Years ago, I had a coyote trot down a two track I was sitting beside while calling to a vocal tom. The yote was keyed in on the gobbling just as I was, I didn\'t want to ruin the turkey hunt so I took my hat off and \"waved\" it at him to scare him off. Unfortunately it must have looked like one of those Mojo \"thing\" decoys to the yote as his reaction was to go into stealth mode and start the ears back low run straight at me.
It took me some time to realize he was actually coming for me; picking up speed and I better do something quick. He was coming in on my right and I\'m a right handed shot, my butt was on the ground back to a tree and knee\'s up. So I just couldn\'t stand up, I barely had enough time to get my gun around and when I did I just started firing. I\'m still surprised I didn\'t shoot one of my feet off but I emptied the 1187 one handed on the yote and he piled up just feet away.
While the story sounds cool I am convinced had it been taped it would have certainly been a favorite video of hunters laughing their butts off at me. Glad your encounter turned out as it did, cool story and pic.
\"Kevin W\" said:
While the story sounds cool I am convinced had it been taped it would have certainly been a favorite video of hunters laughing their butts off at me. Glad your encounter turned out as it did, cool story and pic.

Kevin, any story that ends up in a dead a great story! :upthumb:

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