Looking for handgun recommendations


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Aug 27, 2015
Looking for handgun recommendations

My wife is looking for a handgun she can carry while hiking alone and one I can carry when going on trips alone, mostly for peace of mind. Any suggestions for caliber and model? Once again, its just for \"peace of mind\" and not hunting/bear protection and would like to stay $300 +/-
My everyday is a Ruger LCP. Fits in my pocket nicely, accurate at a reasonable distance <10 yards and fairly cheap to shoot. They break down for cleaning effortlessly and don\'t weigh a lot. I\'m pretty fond of mine, especially for the cost.
I carry a KelTec PF9 in my front pocket all the time... Like the Ruger LCP it\'s light weight and is accurate and comes in 9mm... The PF9 holds 7 in the magazine and 1 in the tube and has a trigger safety...

you mention something for your wife to carry or for you to carry while hiking.
I was born and raised on smith and wesson revolvers, so that is where I am taking my recommendation.

I would find a nice, used, S&W .357.
The nice thing about a .357 is you can shoot both .357 and .38 special.

This gives you the best of both worlds for you AND your wife.
When she is carrying, you can give her some nice .38 shots for personal protection and they won\'t hurt as much to shoot.
Also, revolvers are fairly simple. Point, squeeze, and bang. There are no safeties to fudge with in a time of need.

NOW for you. I know you said it didn\'t have to be specifically for hunting or bears, but I will tell you what, a .357 will do some damage to anything that may give you issues, bear or two legged creatures...
I\'m with iccyman take a good look at some smaller revolvers. We looked at some charter arms .38 for my wife this weekend she loved them $349 at are gun store. It was super easy for her to use. She has a hard time pulling the slide back on my XDs .45 and if it came down to where she had to use it you want the most fool proof gun she can shoot. Nothing fancy point squeeze shoot.
Dan, I have been thinking about a S&W model 10. I see excellent used ones online, with a good discount. I have fairly small hands. They are a little larger than most women\'s, but not much. The model 10 is a medium frame revolver. Would you expect any handling or accuracy issues? I have not been to a place that carries them yet.
\"Swede\" said:
Dan, I have been thinking about a S&W model 10. I see excellent used ones online, with a good discount. I have fairly small hands. They are a little larger than most women\'s, but not much. The model 10 is a medium frame revolver. Would you expect any handling or accuracy issues? I have not been to a place that carries them yet.


I would say the model 10 is a step in the right direction. Stuff like the model 19 & 29 usually come with larger grips and sit on a heavier frame.
The 10 have those nice sleek grips depending on which one you purchase (see example link below)

As for handling and accuracy, I don\'t think you will have any issues. My mother carrys a .38 snub nose that is not the lady smith.
Now name aside, that is another option for you. The lady smith models are much smaller and are BEAUTIFUL guns. They just tend to carry a higher price tag.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_766346_-1_757779_757751_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/ ... rrorView_Y</a><!-- m -->
Thanks Dan for your information. I am mostly interested in a revolver for self protection. I want the gun to be fairly light, blued finish and quick to shoot if I need it. It does not have to be easy to conceal, but that would be good too. A 4 inch barrel is good. I don\'t like something that hangs heavy on my hip. No Roy Rogers here. :lol: You said the model 10 is a step in the right direction. Is there a better option that doesn\'t break the bank?
\"Swede\" said:
Thanks Dan for your information. I am mostly interested in a revolver for self protection. I want the gun to be fairly light, blued finish and quick to shoot if I need it. It does not have to be easy to conceal, but that would be good too. A 4 inch barrel is good. I don\'t like something that hangs heavy on my hip. No Roy Rogers here. :lol: You said the model 10 is a step in the right direction. Is there a better option that doesn\'t break the bank?


a snub nose all the way up to the 4 inch are great conceal. Me though, I need to feel something before I buy it.
All models can have smaller or skinner grips added. There are also sleeker and the skinner models like the 10. Or check out the J frame revolvers.
They are the chief specials, and they are very nice.

I will send you some pictures later of a few that I have..... they are not for sale though :D
Your wife would be better off with bear spray than trying to stop an angry bear with a handgun.
Thanks Dan. I had forgotten about the pictures too.
I could have gone to the gun show this last weekend, and maybe I should have. I just hate driving 45 minutes, then paying over $20 so someone can try to sell me something.
I like revolvers. When I carry one, it\'s a S&W Model 36. 1 7/8\" barrel, 5 shot, steel frame.
For the days when my wife wants to carry, she has a S&W Model 38, 1 7/8\" barrel, alloy frame, very light weight, 5 shot. The Model 38 has a shrouded hammer to keep from hanging up in a pocket or purse. You can still thumb back the hammer if need be. That model also comes in a steel frame, it\'s a Model 49.
Both guns can shoot +P ammo and that ammo is a pretty good jump in power from the standard .38.
Either revolver will cost more than the $300 you have mentioned, however, I have never lost any money on a S&W if you should ever sell it.
Both guns are more accurate than you would think with such a short barrel.

If you do get a gun, make sure you both get some range time in to get used to handling and shooting it.

I took my CC class yesterday and I have been looking at the S&W MP Shield 40.
Is yours with or without safety?
Mine is with safety. It carries well doesn\'t print and you have the option of the extended mag with the pinky extension.
Just got back from the gun store and handling some fine pieces.
I liked the SW MP Shield 40, but then I handled the Glock m42 380....
OMG, nice conceal gun there!
14 oz, small, hand fit very nice.

Decisions decisions!

One thing they told us at class over and over was, 3 & 5, 3 & 5, 3 & 5

3-5 shots in 3-5 seconds at 3-5yds

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