my 2015 idaho season....

yeah, I only have a couple of more days left to post. I better get to it before I forget all the little stuff... why not now!
so, while talking to the gentleman, I learned that he was a Vietnam vet and was also taking advantage of Idaho\'s veteran appreciation prices. he shot a decent 3x4 mulie buck and they have been eating fresh steaks for dinner every night. he even extended an offer for us 3 to join them one night! he asked for me to bring back some potatoes for him since I was going to town.
in town, and I use that term loosely. the population is 110 people..... the gas station has one pump, and it is still the old rotary dial pump. there is a camp ground that has $3 showers!!!!!!! so I just stood in the hot water forever, before even beginning to soap up.
its the little things..... :D
the little diner has hal pound burgers that are loaded. combine that with a couple of coors lights....... heaven. I had the bacon and ham cheeseburger. 2 kinds of cheese and saut?ed mushrooms.....
I met that suburban from Washington on my way back up the mtn, around 1:30 pm. I noted that it was filled with some younger personnel..... if had known what they did to the drainage, I probably would have let the air out of the tires..... :evil:
the gas station didn\'t carry potatoes, but the diner lady was gracious enough to give me 6 large ones, for free!
I dropped off the potatoes to the neighbor camp. I gave him back his money since they didn\'t cost anything. so in return he gave some very delicious deer jerky!
it was hot back in camp. the trucks thermometer read 77 degrees :( I wasn\'t there long and was bored.... you cant kill an elk in camp, most of the time anyways...
so I headed back up the mtn. even taking my time and going slow, and keeping to the shade, I wasted my earlier shower..... I was sweating!
I decided to hit the wallow, it had been very warm the last couple of days, it was hard to imagine that I froze my cajones off just a few days prior... and steve mentioned that the hunters stand was no longer at the wallow, as of sunday.
not knowing that the hunters from the suburban ran amuck every where, I figured steve and terry were up higher and I would have it to myself.
I slipped into the bottom side of the wallow, hanging next to the creek. it was an honest 15 degrees cooler right next to the creek! when the wind got better, I snuck in good and close.
crack and bang, what do I see.... terry and steve coming into the top side of the wallow :lol:
I am sitting there, watching the, knowing that they don\'t know I am here :cool: I was soooo hoping to stick an elk and surprise the crap out of them...!!! the way I was set up, the elk had to go by me first.
can you see it... terry to steve, since terry has elk ears. psst, steve, theres an elk coming in..... steve getting ready to draw. then thwack..... and the elk running by them with blood pumping out! :shock:
well, that didn\'t happen. so the next best thing was I started cow calling after they left and walked by :D wouldn\'t you know it, they looked away from me when they heard it. huh....
they started walking away so I got up to join up. I took me awhile, as they didn\'t hear me coming up. I must be a ninja :haha: they both said that it sounded like the cow was on the other side of the sage, weird...
anyway, they talked about the experiences with the bull and the other hunters.
another day done....
day 11
I was excited! this was the day I was going to go back and try to get into the herd again. I hatched a master plan, it must have been really good, as terry agreed to come along :D
we got to the stopping point good and early. I wanted to make sure that if the bull made any noise at all, I was going to be there and hear him. wait, I mean, for terry to tell me what he heard :lol:
I had a premonition. I told terry that for better or worse, we would be back at camp before noon...
so, it was daylight, and I gave them plenty of time to make sure they were on the up side of the road.... the adventure started.
there was a steep dirt bank on the up side of the road, which gave you a real good idea of what had just walked by. guess what, there were fresh elk tracks going up, I mean herd level tracks.... game on!!! I cant believe that my plan was working so far......!
they were on track to head up to their bedding spot, where I had jumped them before. my plan was to head down the road farther and go up on the other side of the ridge, and be there all ready set up and watch them come in. and as a bonus, the side of the ridge that we were to walk up was no where near as steep, as the side that they were going up.
we were hallway up the ridge when terry spotted movement up above us. remember, this spot is way more open and you can see in spots over 100 yards....
oh no, we were too late..... terry was convinced that it was a mulie.
so we press on.
we didn\'t go much farther when the timber exploded. I look back and see a cow and a calf running back down the mtn... then the weirdest sound ever redirected my gaze. from where I initially saw the cow/calf run from, were other elk walking up the mtn.
this all unfolded very quickly....
then those elk turned direction and started running at us!!!!
I cant believe this is happening..... other than the herd 2 days prior. I have never seen a herd of elk while hunting. let alone a herd running right at me!!!!
my mind was swimming.....
I nocked an arrow and knelt next to a pine tree. there was no cover anywhere...
the herd stopped 20 yards away, right in front of my. the cow was first, followed by a very scraggly 5x5 bull. there were a couple other cows behind him.
my first thought was, now I know why the bull ran from my challenge bugle the other day. my second thought was, what were these girls thinking..... :lol:
the lead cow blocked the bull. when she stopped, she was looking at the cow/calf that had spooked. her head was behind a tree. all I had was a frontal shot. I remember thinking, I don\'t think I can take that shot. I also remember feeling that if I drew, I wouldn\'t be able to hold for the time that I thought she would stand there. I was thinking 5-10 minutes. I looked at terry and he wasn\'t drawn.... and before I knew it, the cow started moving again.
she was walking right at me!!!!!!!
there are a lot of expletives that I would love to type right now...... but I wont, because of dan.... and terry and steve and dan know that I have a high tendancy to use them...
I heard commotion to my right. I looked over and the cow/calf are coming up and rejoining the herd. 15 yards broadside!
terry knows that I have no shot and blew my opportunity and now draws. the cow/calf spooked and start trotting. I heard terry grunt to stop her, which didn\'t work. I heard the string hit the stop. I did not hear the thwack.
in all this melee I drew, but didn\'t have a shot.
that was the second time in 4 years that I have ever drew back on an elk....
it took a long time to calm down and catch my breath. it was a rush!!!!!!
I went to where the tracks were, 15 yards....
the time was 8:20 am.
we couldn\'t find terrys arrow. as I was texting dan and my wife, terry comes back and says that theres and elk just below us on the other side of a group of pines. I am about to find a tree to get next to when I see a cow run off.
another, huh, moment. where did she come from....?
we decided to try and follow the herd by their tracks. it didn\'t take long to lose the trail and by 8:40 the thermals had changed....
guess what. we were back to camp before noon....
once back at the bikes, a us forest service truck pulling a horse trailer camp up and stopped to talk. they were to ride into the canyon and complete a survey on the effects the cattle on the creek banks. what a job!!!!!!!!!!!! I complained about the hunters not abiding by the motorized vehicle restriction and he assured me that he would pass on the information.
I had lots of fun retelling the story to steve. he was so excited for me. first thing he said was congrats that my plan worked!
then the reality hit..... I had played out the scenario in my head so many times by now, that I begun to feel really bummed out that I screwed up a slam dunk elk encounter.....
which plagued me for the rest of the trip....
by the afternoon, it was soooo hot. we were sweating just sitting in the sun. the adrenaline rush from the morning left me pretty wiped. I checked the truck, 83 degrees!
I wasn\'t going to go up for the evening. terry and steve did not either.
we made a nice fire and shared some music from our phones :D
day 12
still feeling down about yesterdays screw up, I decided to try the plan again, that was messed up by the suburban.
I didn\'t see anything left in the sage at first light and started still hunting up.
about halfway up, I heard a atv come up the CLOSED atv trail and turn around in the sage and head back down...... :x
I jumped up a mulie doe.
I made it up to the bedding area. the wind was steady when I ate and took a nap. about mid day I went in a little bit more and tried calling.
I cant make this up, even if I tried. wouldn\'t you know, I heard the wind coming through trees and bam, the wind went all over the place.
I had to back out. I ended up waiting from 1-6, sitting on my butt, waiting out the wind..... my butt hurt from sitting so long!
thank goodness solitaire on the phone and an back up battery charger....
after the sun went behind the mtn, the wind finally cooperated. I was quite a bit lower than the bedding area, so I went back into the timber and set up in what looked to be a good travel route that I had found a couple days earlier.
I set up on the lower end of a very small grassy spot hidden in the timber. right about dark, I heard a hoof hit a deadfall. it was close, but I set up behind a large downed pine, and couldn\'t see anything. I had ranged the openings on both sides of me and would have good shots if it came through....
at this point, there was noooo wind, it was quiet.... there was no way for me to move up at all.
a couple minutes later I heard, from the same area, something rub a branch. I guessed that it was feeding in the upper part.....
I seem to be screwing up every situation...
I left well after I could not see my pins...
day 13
in desperation, I went back to the spot in which we encounter the herd twice. I knew that it was a long shot...
for some reason terry agreed to come with.
same scenario. we waited in the dark to hear anything., anything at all.... except something large, down wind of us, running off.
we also did hear 2 mulie does that spooked at us, at 15 yards away... terry was dozing and they scared the crap out of him :lol: they ended up hanging around at 40 yards until we got up to start the plan.
unfortunately, there were no fresh tracks crossing the road this time. actually, nothing since the 2 days prior....
not looking good :(
we ended up at their bedding area and took a break.
I was feeling really down. nothing was working and I still felt that I had blown my golden opportunity....
little dan was still chattering away on my shoulder, but he wasn\'t winning. this was when I voiced my thoughts...... I was ready to go home.
terry came to the rescue and came up with a plan. there was a nice bench way up high from us. and based on the terrain, it should be ripe for the picking!
so we started on, what I will call death march 4, dm4 for short :D
it really wouldn\'t have been too bad. except for starters; we stayed up good and late around the camp fire, steve always seemed to hae fun stories to tell! combine that with having hunted the hardest yet to date, and then my dwindling motivation.....
about halfway up, going through the sage, we cut an atv trail, with fresh tire tracks in it..... so much for the its high and remote theory :evil:
we saw some beautiful scenery
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can you tell how steep it is.... and that sun was hot, out in the open sage....

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:upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

Love the read.

I can\'t wait for you to read this before your hunt next year. I bet it fires you up.
the bench was a bust....
we followed some freshy type tracks of elk that were also using the atv trail. but the last leg up to the bench didn\'t hold any fresh sign.
and the wind was terrible. again......
so after a brief nap, we headed back down.
one thing that I noted, was at 9200 feet, in the shade, the ground was cold! it was hard to take a nap, I was freezing all over again.....
I tried to suck it up, terry I really did, but I was spent...... my feet were heavy..... and we were going down hill. I broke so many branches, I am ashamed to even admit it.....
I took my last swig of water when we got back to the bikes. uh oh..... I drank a lot of water that day!
steve was going to go home tomorrow, after we left for the morning hunt. I wanted to go home too.....
day 14...........
the final day.......
I was wanting to go home.....
but, little dan wouldn\'t leave me alone :D
so I hatched a last minute plan, to see if that herd bull was still in the area, in the drainage above camp. the bull that terry and I chased after we heard him chuckle. and probably the same herd that steve saw the eyes of in the dark...
little dan won and I was willing to go out for the morning...
terry followed me once again..... he must be a gluten for punishment :D
so I set up to overlook this grassy bowl that I figured the elk munched at just before daybreak.
sorry, I need to back up. the day didn\'t start well. we have battled bad wind the entire trip. it seemed to be the norm! today was par for the course. the wind was howling when we got up :downthumb:
steve got up with us and broke camp. we said our goodbyes and safe travel wishes! we watched him leave while up on the mtn...
we set up as best as we could, with the wind.....
after day break, we heard a bugle. it came from the wallow area. terry and I agreed that we couldn\'t tell if it was another hunter. it being another hunter won....
awhile later, we heard a moany bugle up above us. that meant he was all ready passed us and the plan didn\'t work. terry bugled and we got no response. they weren\'t playing was too far away, and I was honestly too tired to run after one far off bugle. the crappy wind helped with the decision....
the 2015 elk season was done........
terry and I walked back to camp and packed up.
that\'s my story in a nutshell......
like I said earlier, I hoped to chronicle everything though my ramblings..... my thoughts and feelings....
I tried to make it entertaining enough to read, but it was a lot of typing and some things might have been lost in translation :lol:
hopefully a newbie elk hunter might stumble across this and get a better understanding of why the 10% club is so covenanted. and even with extra training and effort, its still hard as hell!
but, that\'s why its so addicting!!!!!!
one last thought, writing all of this, reminded me of how fun the trip really was :D
thank you terry and steve!
Thanks for doing the write up Gary. You did a fine job. I plan to print it for my hunting scrapbook. It will be fun to read over again mid winter and then next summer as I work out to get in the best shape I have ever been. I am ready to do it again. Only 10.5 months to go. >>>>-------->
thanks guys/gals. I will admit it, I wasn\'t sure if it was going to be worth your time to read. I finished it for my own reasons, it made me feel a ton better....
I really enjoyed your writing and rambling.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

:clap: :upthumb: :upthumb: ...NUF SAID... :upthumb: :upthumb: :clap:
Thanks for sharing, enjoyed the read.

I picked up a set of Wiggy\'s Waders about 10 years ago and they are great to use for stream crossings. They weigh around nine ounces and pack real small. When I get to the creek they slide right over my boots, I cross then take them off and back in the pack they go.

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