
Naps are a great way to energize during the middle of the day. I regularly practice napping along with calling and shoot the bow.
\"AmericanBwana\" said:
Naps are a great way to energize during the middle of the day. I regularly practice napping along with calling and shoot the bow.

I\'ve heard of running-then-shooting for practice ... maybe I should try putting the bow by my alarm clock ... get up and shoot out the window as fast as I can.
I love taking a nap mid day when I am staying in the woods till dark. I always wake up half startled expecting to see something. But the best is getting awakened mid nap by the sound of a bugle.
\"Bultaco\" said:
I love taking a nap mid day when I am staying in the woods till dark. I always wake up half startled expecting to see something. But the best is getting awakened mid nap by the sound of a bugle.

How about a cold nose on your ear?
The difference between Pete and all of us is that Pete actually is able to sneak in close enough to the elk that he is able to \'bed down\' with them for his naps! :lol:
I wish I was that sneaky. I could probably sneak up on Brad sleeping though. If his partner nods off too. :mock:
I got woke up one time by a strange sounding grunting noise. I sat up and looked around and next to my pack was the biggest dang porcupine I have ever seen sniffing my pack. After I cleaned my shorts out I started talking and waving at it and it just sat down and stared at me. I don`t think it had ever seen a human before.
All of these stories have pretty much confirmed for me that I will continue napping in MY TENT when I have the opportunity and not on the mountain! I don\'t have enough room in my pack for an extra pair of underwear :haha:
I stay out all day and will try to nap after lunch. I can never really doze off, those flies are pesky....
The only time I have been able to take a nap was when I was sitting in my treestand bowhunting for bears in MN. For the life of me I could not stay awake that day. Even tried standing up and still fell asleep. I had been out late the day/night before helping someone move. I finally woke up and then really woke up when I saw a bear in the bait pit licking the honey off a log.

Other than that I have tried taking naps while cruising for elk but can\'t.
\"Still Hunter\" said:
\"Bultaco\" said:
I love taking a nap mid day when I am staying in the woods till dark. I always wake up half startled expecting to see something. But the best is getting awakened mid nap by the sound of a bugle.

How about a cold nose on your ear?

That would definitely startle me.