I duck down and get my range finder and ease up again, but I cant get a good reading because of some tall grass in the way.
I ease back down, pondering the distance....
30yds? 35yds?
I decided it was 35yds.
I drew my bow as I was hunched down.
And I slowly stood up and settled the \'gap\' of 35yds on my pins.
The grass obscured my view just a bit, but it was about half way so I knew my trajectory would clear.
He noticed something wasnt right and wasnt strutting - just looking around
Good job Brad. That was a good read, enjoyed the story. I\'m ready for our season. No way I could hunt our birds with a bow. I\'ve thought about it but a lot of places I\'m apt to call one in is pretty thick. Congrats, those birds are pretty, I may out west and shoot one just to mount one of these days. I\'ve always liked those light tipped tail feathers.