North Carolina ROLL CALL.

We actually lived in Winston Salem for a few years just after my wife and I got married... Also lived in East Bend and Lewisville for a while... But that was 50+ years ago...
Canvasman said:
Anyone here from the Tar Heel State?

I?m in The southern OuterBanks area.

Grew up hunting squirrel, coon, doves, geese and ducks not too far from you. I was raised in Moyock, NC in Currituck county.

Came out to NM in 1980, the first one of my family to go to college and had no clue what to expect. Saw my first bull elk the next year while hunting deer with my bow, and WOW...what a critter! Been here ever since.
I'm back in NC.  I missed the entire hurricane but not the cleanup.  We fared pretty well but had family that lost everything.  The hunting was great but we did not connect.  Tree limbs intervened on behalf of the elk for both our shots.  We were in elk 10 of our 14 days but the rut was slow and the elk were shy.  Hope y'all fared better. 
Castle Oak, sounds like you had a great time.

Sorry to hear of the damage to family property. I have a buddy that owns property on Harker's Island and he lost some roofing and then 25 inches of rain dumped inside. I believe he is just now able to get to his property to start clean up.

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