One eye or two?

Both open for me. I am right eye dominate and shoot right handed. No need to close one for me.
Both for me too. That is new this year though... I trained myself to shoot like this at the range because I can see WAAAAY more of the target and what\'s going on around/behind it.
I\'ve always used 1 eye until this year and ive been trying to train myself to use 2. So far so good, gets a little easier each time
Two eyes for me. I used to be a one eye shooter and then converted to two eyes. It took awhile to get used to it but once you do it seems odd to only use one.
I think I shot with zero eyes open once. It was like a really long flinch.

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I learned to shoot with both eyes open :shock: and always have since that time long,long ago....
I have both eyes open, but can only see out of one of them. Am I one eye, or two? :shock:
\"Still Hunter\" said:
I have both eyes open, but can only see out of one of them. Am I one eye, or two? :shock:

I think ya qualify as both eyes open even if one don\'t work...
\"Ol\' Arky\" said:
\"Still Hunter\" said:
I have both eyes open, but can only see out of one of them. Am I one eye, or two? :shock:

I think ya qualify as both eyes open even if one don\'t work...

It not only doesn\'t work, but I wear a patch over it. So, nobody knows if it\'s open, or not. :D
I do both, it doesn\'t seem to change anything...instinctively i close one and then tell myself to open it to see more. Next question hand on or closed. :)
\"getemduck\" said:
I do both, it doesn\'t seem to change anything...instinctively i close one and then tell myself to open it to see more. Next question hand on or closed. :)

After I draw I open my hand and spread my fingers. I then gently close my hand so I\'m slightly holding the riser. I find that by opening up my hand it helps to seat the bow handle in my hand without any torque.
Dan I shoot with one eye to so your not alone.

I draw with my hand open then at full draw I close my top finger till it touches my thumb.
When I shot I drew with a closed hand but no pressure with my fingers or thumb on the handle (riser)...
I shoot one eye but I\'m shooting a left handed bow due to shattering my left arm. I\'m right handed and used to shoot a right handed bow. Took me a while to figure out the eye thing I\'m right eye dominant. If I was still shooting a right handed bow, both eyes open.

I draw open handed and barely close my hand but I\'m shooting a torqueless grip so you don\'t get much affect by doing that.

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