Opening Morning Any Elk Tag


I\'d just rather kill a cow than a lil bull. Easy to come off the wrong way via text on an internet forum. I\'ve killed some elk and would rather hold out for a nice bull myself or shoot a meat cow. I enjoy the challenge. I\'d like other guys to do what makes them happy. As for herd control, guys with guns get us to our management objectives. I\'d suspect that if more people passed on the youngsters that we\'d see a better age class of bulls but I don\'t mean that at all in a condescending way. For me, I try to hold out and it leads to a big (260+) bull about every other year. Good luck to all this season!
having eaten too many bowls of tag soup, the first legal critter dies. bull, cow, calf, oversized jackrabbit, whatever.

in my instance, I\'m carrying a bull tag this year, so first legal bull gets it.

simple as that.
I\'m on the sliding scale, higher standards at day one and the last few days lower, not sure even on last light of last day if I could shoot a legal spike. A lot depends on how much time Ill have to hunt to begin with and how much I\'m seeing. After witnessing the change Will is refering to first hand from letting the younger ones walk, I find it difficult anymore to shoot a younger animal, even with a bow. Im there to enjoy the outdoors, the challange of the hunt and to hopefully get some fresh meat, but the meat is just the bonus.

A lot of guys say they are meat hunters, but I know even these guys appreciate more often seeing more mature animals when they hunt. That dont happen as often if the younger ones dont get a pass. I submit that if a 7x7 and a legal spike both stepped out in the open, broadside in front the meat hunters at 30 yards, the spike is pretty darn safe at that time. Surely someone will say the spike is more tenter or less \"gamey\", plus you can\'t eat the horns and that\'s why their shooting the spike but like OTC says its the quality of the hunt experience.

Pound for pound and dollar for dollar if meat is all your after, hunting is not your cheapest option to fill the freezer. I suppose if you can get a reisdent tag and shoot one off your back porch you \'ll come out on top, but by the time us NR buy gear, gas, tags then factor in our time, wild game meat is really, really costly cuts.
\"Bob Frapples\" said:
Pound for pound and dollar for dollar if meat is all your after, hunting is not your cheapest option to fill the freezer. I suppose if you can get a reisdent tag and shoot one off your back porch you \'ll come out on top, but by the time us NR buy gear, gas, tags then factor in our time, wild game meat is really, really costly cuts.

It cost a lot more to come home with no meat at all. Every year you pass on an elk the expense goes up higher. The only way to keep your expenses down is to shoot an elk every year.