Perfect elk hunting team


New member
Mar 31, 2014
Let\'s say you were the type of hunter where style of the hunt didn\'t matter. Would it be best to have others who hunt the same as you or would it be best to hunt with others that have a different set of skills? My perfect team would include a valid tree stand hunter, a good caller, and someone who was really good at spot and stalk.

What would your team look like?
Diversity is good, but I think I\'d prefer to have someone that is on the same page as me, especially in calling situations.
I would prefer to have someone that I could learn some things from and could show them some things too. Young enthusiastic hunters are always great to share a camp and hunt with.
I think attitude is extremely underrated. My good friend from back east comes out every couple seasons. He is an absolute treat to be around. Smiling constantly and couldn\'t be more jacked about being in the mountains elk hunting. I\'ll take a team full of guys like that over some experts anyday!
\"otcWill\" said:
I think attitude is extremely underrated. My good friend from back east comes out every couple seasons. He is an absolute treat to be around. Smiling constantly and couldn\'t be more jacked about being in the mountains elk hunting. I\'ll take a team full of guys like that over some experts anyday!

My wife ! She has no clue where I want to go so she just follows and I get to always go where I want !! LOL Plus she packs the camera and does the video work so its perfect !

Also we are best friends and what better way to chase elk than with someone that\'s knows me better than I do. LOL

Not once has she ever questioned me when I wanted to drop of into that deep canyon just because the elk may be down in there. I\'ve had guy friends that would try anything to weasel out of a little hard walking. You want elk go where the elk are plain and simple.

A good hunting partner should never question that !
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
Are you willing to put up with some mouth or attitude if it gives you a better chance to kill an elk?

Not a chance! I can mess things up bad enough all by myself.
People that have an attitude and don\'t like my hunting, have my full support to hunt on their own and do it the way they know is best.
I\'ll tell you what I don\'t like ... the guy who always says \"That won\'t work\" or \"I tried that once, but it doesn\'t work\" ... some people\'s natural response is to oppose any suggestion.

It makes it so they don\'t have to do anything, and they don\'t have to prove anything, but yet they get to be the \"expert.\"

As long as I have calories and water, I\'m ready for an adventure to start. I don\'t care if it\'s noon ... if we\'re in a position to make contact and get close to an elk, and we have a reasonable strategy, I\'m up for it.

A good team has a breadth of experience and skills that adds to, not subtracts from, the possibilities.
Anyone up for an adventure. A tough mental attitude when things get tough...
I would also like to hunt with someone that is really good at calling.

\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
Are you willing to put up with some mouth or attitude if it gives you a better chance to kill an elk?
How bad are we talking? :think: Mouth or attitude?.....Things can get tough, tempers short.....I have thick enough skin to brush it off and be a positive influence to turn things around.
To your original question John, I would prefer to have a mix in my group of hunters. I think it is always good to have a few guys on stands while others might be covering some ground, getting high and glassing, etc.
Hahaha, yes although getting to a high point to glass from is not that easy in some of the places I have hunted. I was simply saying that having a variety is always good, at least in my mind.
So for the newbies or the elk hunters who have not bagged an elk, do you go and and learn from anybody you can even if the teacher has attitude or a mouth? Those who\'ve already taken a fair amount of elk get the luxury of being picky.

We all sacrifice, experience pain, and suffer during season. Should the same extend to hunting with a teacher?
That could be a problem for a new hunter going for the first time. I personally don\'t do well with attitudes or so called know it alls. There are quite a few people on here that have hunted together and seem to still get along without any problems. So I would say a new hunter should not have to put up with it either. If they try hard enough they can find someone that will teach them without feeling like they are just there to inconvenience someone. As John said the hunt itself is hard enough.