Pin Advice


New member
Mar 31, 2014
A month ago I had a 20 and 30 yard pin. The problem was they were so close together that it was more of a blob than a sight. So I decide to just use 1 pin. Zero\'d at 25 yards, 1 inch high at 20, and 1 inch low at 30.

Does anyone see an issue with this? This is the first year I\'ve tried this and I don\'t want to learn a lesion the hard way.
Yes,i had the same issue.i ended up with a single slider pin,spot hogg ,hog the heat of the moment its hard for me to focus on one pin mixed in with other pins

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You are not the first guy to have that problem John. Especially since you know it shoots a inch off you can adjust if you need to. On a elk I wouldn\'t worry at all. Smaller game you might have to adjust a little.
Every elk I\'ve taken has been with one pin set at 25 yards. What\'s an inch either way?!?!?! :crazy: Unless you are doing the 3D foam thing, 1 inch doesn\'t mean squat.
Did you adjust the rest of your pins to the other 5 yard increments too?
I shoot a 1 pin sight set at 28 yards ! Your good out to 40 yards easy with a couple inches either way !! I got sick of shooting multi pin sights 10 years ago and have shot this way ever since. Works for me but will be weird for some !!
40, 50, 60, 70!!!! Hmmmmmm! I have a rifle I\'ll sell ya. I always thought the name of the game was getting close. :mg: :mg: :mg: :mg:
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
40, 50, 60, 70!!!! Hmmmmmm! I have a rifle I\'ll sell ya. I always thought the name of the game was getting close. :mg: :mg: :mg: :mg:

Thats why I have a 3 pin. 20/30/40.

I dont trust myself having more pins than that. I may do something wild. :mg:

if you don\'t shoot at past that, just remove a few. Free up some real estate.
Iccy - I wouldn\'t have a 50, 60, and 70 if I didn\'t practice at that range. ;-) It takes a good shot opportunity for me to shoot that far. (Ie broadside, relaxed, looking away). I\'m very controlled and would never risk wounding an animal. Over the years I\'ve taken a lot of crap from my buddies for passing on longer shots, but oh we\'ll at least I can sleep at night.

Name of the game is ethics and practice.
I know you wouldn\'t take bad shots, I am almost convinced you\'d rather just call than shoot anyways ;)

Where I hunt I don\'t even think I could take a 40 yard shot if I tried. Very thick.
From what we have discussed, it doesn\'t sound like you have many crazy shots either.

Let your buddies talk all the smack they want, like you said, you sleep at night.
I\'d sleep much worse if I made a bad shot and lost a monster bull.
\"iccyman001\" said:
I know you wouldn\'t take bad shots, I am almost convinced you\'d rather just call than shoot anyways ;)

Where I hunt I don\'t even think I could take a 40 yard shot if I tried. Very thick.
From what we have discussed, it doesn\'t sound like you have many crazy shots either.

Let your buddies talk all the smack they want, like you said, you sleep at night.
I\'d sleep much worse if I made a bad shot and lost a monster bull.

Ha! Just once I wish someone would call for me. :D First bull killed in front of me this year is going to be my sons! ;-)
I have my pins set all at even yardages.
I have no idea!!!

Why do we set them like that?
Very seldom does the animal step out at even yardages! :)
\"cnelk\" said:
I have my pins set all at even yardages.
I have no idea!!!

Why do we set them like that?
Very seldom does the animal step out at even yardages! :)

Lol because we are creatures of patterns I suppose, funny enough I have mine all at 25,35,45 ect. it doesn\'t make much difference the animal hardly ever falls right on one of those numbers anyway. I actually started that because stalking mule deer 35 seemed to be the magical number I don\'t know how many times ranging a bedded mule deer gave a reading of 34,35,and36 so I made my pin fit that distance, since I changed I havent had one at that range but now its just habit and I\'m afraid changing would throw me off in the heat of the moment maybe if I ever get a faster bow I might start at 30 but most likely I will just add some arrow weight and have roughly the same arc.
\"cnelk\" said:
I have my pins set all at even yardages.
I have no idea!!!

Why do we set them like that?
Very seldom does the animal step out at even yardages! :)

i think our minds can break down 10\'s of yards easier? i can envision 20 yards pretty easily. 24..not so much.

plus that is what all the store bought site tapes are tick out at..

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