Placing a game camera

\"iccyman001\" said:

I had the same issue happen with a buck and a MOO cow.

The buck decided he wanted to remove his velvet using my game camera and the cow decided it wanted to scratch it\'s butt with my camera.
The cow incident scared me. I was walking up to the tree and noticed that it wasn\'t there......

Finally I got up to it and saw it laying on the ground. Mad and figuring someone stole my SD card I walked back to my truck and found the card still in it.
After reviewing the pictures I found the cow knocking it over and then standing over it, almost like she was mocking me.

Ya....Dan that can be scary walking up to a cam and not seeing it. My brother in-law has a super expensive cam that sends his images wirelessly if he is within a mile of it. He would just drive up to a pull out in the road and down load. Once time he paniced as it wasn\'t connecting. I think he spent a grand on it. A bear had knocked the antenna off but it was still there!
I pretty much alwasy use one of those metal boxes mentioned above now. They are very tough and inexpensive! I just use a dremel tool to cut out a window and I\'m set. Hanging them up high in a tree gives you a neat angle but it is more work to do it. I can put up a cam in one of those metal boxes in under 5 mins. Time is critical to me as I will go on an all day hike and deposit 3-4 out.
Don\'t place camera directly facing due East or West since most activity is dawn and dusk. Including picture as to why![attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->MDGC0008.JPG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]


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