PSA..let\'s be careful out there.

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
one of my good buddies got hurt last year. i joke that he has controversial pictures involving the NM governor, because he draws more tags than anyone i know :)

he got hurt hunting elk last year. not in NM. it ended with a helicopter ride. he credits their satellite phone for saving his life. they called in GPS coords and a few hours later a crew showed up with a board..they carried him out to a landing took hours.

i think i am gonna rent a sat phone for my big trips.
it will be years before he is fit enough to hunt. he thinks bowhunting is out for life.
Man that\'s a bummer. Glad he made it out of the woods, but sure sorry he thinks he\'s out for bow hunting. Hope some PT and some strong will can put him back in the game. Wish him the best of luck.

Thanks for sharing, it is always good to get a reminder. The woods are certainly not always a friendly place...
Get a Inreach, it has a SOS button, and you can communicate as needed.

Chances are you will never need to SOS, but when you need it you have it.
Inreach...instantly coordinates your position on the map when you send.

Your Family can track your whereabouts by accessing the map online. And as Don just unlock and hit \"SOS\" when you know you need a way out.
\"cohunter14\" said:
Dang, that\'s crazy Cliff. What happened to him injury-wise?

pretty much everything. broken ribs, punctured lung. broken bones. the biggies..blown up spleen and torn up liver. he lost most of his liver. he said they cut a hole in him at the ER and spray foamed around his liver to support it.

this guy has tipped over some massive deer and elk...he is a great hunter. very skilled.
Sounds like he fell a bit further than off a horse. Unless that horse stomped on him a few times.

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