Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

\"elky McElkerson\" said:
Stop walking the second you feel hot spots on your feet. Tape them to prevent blisters. It NEVER goes away on its own

I use Leukotape

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

Yes I wear two pairs of socks as this helps eliminate blisters !!

Great tip Elky !!
Over thinking a bulls bugle.

Running into a bull\'s bugle because you were made to believe every bull is itching for a fight.
Use your binoculars in the timber - especially if you can only see 50-150 yards. You can pick out a lot of elk parts (legs, fur, ears, antlers, etc.) that you can\'t see with your naked eye in the thicker stuff.

Don\'t cut your toenails the night before - cut them 5 days to a week prior.

Tagging onto what David said with layers, they may want to bring an extra shirt. When one sweats a lot (say in the morning hiking up to a spot), it is a mental help to take off that cold sweaty shirt and put on a nice dry shirt to lift one\'s spirits and not focus on being cold and clammy.

Being as fit as you can be helps in being motivated. When you are sucking wind, you can lose motivation fast - especially for a first timer.
If you use a plastic puff bottle to check the wind, don\'t refill it with baby powder!

Excellent post, and some great advice here. Wish I\'d known some of these on my first elk hunt!