Scrapes..... love them or hate them?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
What are your feelings about scrapes and deer?

Do you look for them? Disregard them? Hunt over them? Put cameras on them? etc....

A lot of people will say to completely disregard a scrape because the deer are only hitting them at night.
Others will spend countless days hunting over one scrape in hopes to catch a shot at a buck.

What do you think about them?

Me personally, I do think they are useful for patterning deer, but I will be honest, a scrape wont get my too excited except it\'s freshly torn up and has steaming pee still in it.

I do enjoy finding them in conjunction with rubs, because I feel they help tell me the deers story. Where is he going, why is he going this way, etc.

The only types of scrapes that I truly focus on are the ones with licking branches over them and that are fresh.
The first buck I shot this year, right before I put an arrow through his heart, freshened up his scrape and licking branch, 25 seconds before he was shot. He was hot on a doe too and decided to stop and do this.

5 days after that I found another spot with a nice scrape and licking branch. 16:30 that day, a nice buck came in to freshen it up and use the branch. That\'s when I got a little antsy and drew back a little prematurely.

Anyways, I like scrapes, they help me in many ways, even more when it\'s got a licking branch over it.

I should mention that a large community scrape gets me going too. Brad knows all about large community scrapes. ;)
I think scrapes can be hunted with success. I like hunting a good community scape during before the rut. Once the rut hits I don\'t hunt a scrape it\'s self.
When I put up my trail cams I set them covering a good scrape in the fall and in the summer I have a couple set on mineral licks.
One thing nice about trail cams is it shows bucks do use scrapes in the day time.

I have heard it works but our deer up here must be weird because when I have the scrape went cold. Either that or there is something wrong with me. :lol:
The deer are just smarter up here, they know your toting the wrong genitalia Francis...just tell your wife from now on she has to do her business out in the woods and you will mark the spots for her.............If your still alive, let me know how that goes for you so I will know whether I should try it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Heck Scot I can\'t get her out of the house. She tells me she would go for walks in the woods with me but I have to buy her a gun because she is afraid of bears. I think she want\'s one to get rid of me while we are in the woods. ;)

If I asked her to pee in the woods I would be talking in a higher tone. :lol:

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