Simple Instinct Simple Creatures

Brad, I think you have a good idea with trying a new type call. once is a while, I try to appeal to an elk\'s curiosity by sounding like a small lonesome bull in its bed. It can work. Mostly I have gone 90%+ to the tree stand. There are places where calling works well, and places where it is much tougher.
Much of the point I have been trying to make is that there are some things we know, and some we are left to speculate on. Elk in different areas, react differently. There is no one size fits all for everyplace. You, Troy of Glacier Country Hunting Calls, WW, John F., and others know calling as much as anyone hunting elk. You guys are still honing your skills and adapting to the ever changing situation you find. So, whenever \"some know it all\" tells you this is how it will work in your situation, take it with a grain of salt. These folks have become too much of a legend in their own mind.
I\'m no call expert, but didn\'t the Hoochie Mama stop working after awhile? It seems everybody who couldn\'t call used one.
\"cnelk\" said:
Here is a question.
Since its determined that elk use instinct and are basically simple thinkers, maybe we as hunters should adjust accordingly.
It has been stated that elk get call shy.
Ok, why not use calls that they haven\'t heard before?

I mean really, if most hunters are using the same basic calls, why not venture out use or try something different?
I bet most of us here has used the same calls for the past 3-4 years?
Maybe we should go \'retro\' with older calls or even try something that hasn\'t been used?

i.e. Glacier Country - with your having the pulse on the call market, what\'s coming out that\'s new?
Or what would be an older call that some may call outdated? That would work well?

Type of calls...or quality of sounds the hunter gives? How about calling sequences that force the elk to react?

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