speed goat


New member
Apr 23, 2014
I've never been antelope hunting before was gonna head out to western Nebraska late September archery if anybody has any tips for me it would be much appreciated thank you
I would say get a decoy, it can really make a difference if you plan on spot and stalk. And prepare and practice for longer shots. You'll have a blast, good luck to you!
one of two options:

a - make yourself look like a friendly 800# black cow


b - sit on a windmill, water tank, pond...wherever they are watering and ambush them.

These Sandhills are deceiving.  You might think there's no cover but, critters can disappear in a heartbeat in the rolling hills.  Spot and stalk is tough, but doable.  I'm not the "lay in wait at a waterhole" kind of guy but, it's probably your best option.
Here in Idaho we hunt the fence lines. I learned from a guy that they will not jump a fence and I have never seen them jump one. So find a fence they are walking and walk down it about 1/4 mile or so from a road and take a stick and twist up the bottom strand of wire. Then sit and wait. They'll walk down the fence line and as soon as they see the hole they will duck and go through. This works best if there is some brush to set-up in to break-up your outline. So just scout to find a fence they are using and what time and have fun. 
Find them solo, bed him down, goats do seem to mind the wind so much, rely on their eyes more it seems like to me, if you can stalk in on him when he beds down start slow and watch, they fall asleep hard then you can sneak in on them a little easier. At least that's what worked for me. Best of luck I love hunting goats with a bow

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