Start My Hunt Maps


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Well, I met up with Mike (from Start My Hunt) at the ISE Show in Denver last weekend and actually got a chance to see his maps.

They\'re very good. I could see where they should be very helpful if I ever draw the unit I\'m looking for. Unlike any maps I\'ve seen before.

My only complaint is that they are of the wrong state, but I\'m hoping that if we all flood him with PMs he\'ll change his mind! :lol:

I think they\'d be great maps, though, for the planning stage of hunting particularly.
I second what John said...great maps and can be very helpful, especially for someone who is new to an area :upthumb:
I see plenty of threads about people considering Wyoming ... so ... let\'s all PM him and tell him to include Wyoming.

OK, Mike, I understand the issues ... just sayin\' ... :lol:

Honestly, though ... if you\'re coming from east of the Mississippi to hunt Colorado ... GET HIS MAPS ... you\'ll be way ahead.
I like the unit maps from DIY Hunt Maps or from HuntGPS ... but they don\'t show the biological data that Mike\'s Colorado maps do.

It was great to finally meet meet one of my forum friends. I will eventually get up into Wyoming and some other states. Glad you liked the maps.

i was the lucky winner of one of the maps. i was stoked until my hunt plans evaporated.

just wanted to say that Mike was awesome and just said, \"when you\'re ready....\". if i dont hunt CO this year..i\'m giving it away to one of you guys that is.

some AZ intel wouldnt suck either. :)

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