Suggestions and Ideas on Where To Elk Hunt


Jul 10, 2017
It\'s that time of year again. Time to dig through the different state regulations and figure out where you are going to hunt for next year. Maybe you are an experienced elk hunter, maybe you are a first timer. But regardless, the biggest question out there for any elk hunter is \'where do I hunt\' and \'where can I find elk?\' On other sites, you might have to stipulate that you \'aren\'t looking for a honey hole, just a starting point\' or risk being ridiculed. Well, not here. There is no need to feel bad for asking the question or to state that you aren\'t looking for a honey hole, because the members here on BTO are willing to help and there are many who might actually lead you to honey holes that they know about. Some people and sites charge for this information - not us. This is a place for us to share information so we can all Leave Successful.

A few basic rules of thumb:

1) Don\'t feel bad about asking...there is no need to stipulate that you aren\'t looking for a honey hole either! Because, as I mentioned, there is a chance that you just might get some information on one.
2) Give us the details: what state are you considering? What area(s) or GMU\'s, if any, are you looking at? Are you looking to fill your tag with a bow, muzzleloader, or rifle? What time of year are you considering? Is this an elk hunt or are you chasing something else?
3) No answers about a given area should be given on this thread. All responses should be directed via PM (private message). After all, we don\'t want an army of hunters sitting at your honey hole opening morning! For those who might be a new member, keep in mind that you need three posts to receive PM\'s.

That\'s it! Bring on the questions and let\'s see how full we can get that meat pole this year!
I certainly agree with Derek on this. I hunt Oregon, but truthfully I do not know of any honey holes. If I find one, you will probably find me there until I get my elk in the archery season. Anyway I know of a lot of good places to look for elk. It would be helpful to know how you want to hunt. Calling, tree stand, rifle etc. If you go onto the ODF&W web page, you can look at their big game synopsis and think about the success statistics for the type of hunting you plan on. That is a good place to start.
I disagree. I don\'t think anybodyshould make \"rules\" for these type of questions. It\'s not up to anybody to stipulate what somebody shares or feels like they can share publicly. That would only make you like the people who ridicule on other sights for doing so. Just my 2 cents.
I\'ll say this:

If you\'re not taking advantage of the Private Message function of this and other forums, you\'re getting about 1/10th of the use of the forum.

You can literally multiply your \"gain of knowledge\" -- about places to hunt, gear, whatever -- by TEN. Or more.

(And Pop-r ... if it makes you feel better, I would think he was talking more about \"Rules of Thumb\", not getting attorneys involved.)
Yes, Pop-r, I wasn\'t suggesting any solid rules. I\'m simply inviting anyone to throw the question out there. There are many people on this site who have hunted different areas over the years who can share a wealth of knowledge, and many are willing to do just that. This is all I was trying to say. Edited using John\'s wording :upthumb:

And John is absolutely correct, people are willing to share a lot more information when it isn\'t for everyone else to view publicly.
10-4 I understand. Forgive my \"seriousness.\" I\'ve received LOTS of help both by pm & by just reading more into what somebody says than what they may have meant for you to get out of it.
Good OP Derek. I will say that I would think someone is not playing the game quite correctly if they were to start off with \"Tell me about your honey hole\", plus I agree with Swede, I have some good spots and likely spots, but I have begun to realize I don\'t have any honey holes. I have had them in the past but they all keep getting found.

With that said if you are looking for a spot to hunt and you haven\'t done some work on your own, don\'t expect generous answers, even COs and game biologists will expect you to do some homework before giving you a good answer. However, we have all been newbies before. If you have no idea what to look for, let us know, we would appreciate the honesty.
Been gone a bit from BTO.

Personally, knowing where the good basecamps are locatned is extremely he!pful to me. From there, I can pour over maps and GE to figure out the elk\'s shelter, food and water. I have wasted time in new GMUs trying to figure where to call home for my long weekend or week long hunt.

I have played around in 5 CO OTCs. I have wasted value time during scouting trips finding the ideal basecamp locations for the season.

Telling a person where to specifically hunt elk doesn\'t truly teach a person how to find elk. Most know that elk are extremely mobile over large distances.

One spot may be great pre muzzleloader and a total dude once MLer starts.

The fundamentals of the OP are great because I personally was lost when I started. However, expectations need to be realistic.

Just my 2 cents.

I am crawling back into my hole. I will come out if the groundhog doesn\'t see his shadow. Happy New Year everyone!

Sent from my Nexus 7
\"mtnmutt\" said:
Been gone a bit from BTO.

Personally, knowing where the good basecamps are locatned is extremely he!pful to me. From there, I can pour over maps and GE to figure out the elk\'s shelter, food and water. I have wasted time in new GMUs trying to figure where to call home for my long weekend or week long hunt.

I have played around in 5 CO OTCs. I have wasted value time during scouting trips finding the ideal basecamp locations for the season.

Telling a person where to specifically hunt elk doesn\'t truly teach a person how to find elk. Most know that elk are extremely mobile over large distances.

One spot may be great pre muzzleloader and a total dude once MLer starts.

The fundamentals of the OP are great because I personally was lost when I started. However, expectations need to be realistic.

Just my 2 cents.

I am crawling back into my hole. I will come out if the groundhog doesn\'t see his shadow. Happy New Year everyone!

Sent from my Nexus 7

Welcome back, we missed you!
I hope work isn\'t too much of a pain.
\"iccyman001\" said:
Welcome back, we missed you!
I hope work isn\'t too much of a pain.
Thank you, however, I am not going to be on the forum much in the coming months. Work and life are busy. I am months behind reading the forum. Keep the lights on and behave yourselves. Old Hootie needs supervision, so keep an eye on him.

Sent from my Nexus 7
( I\'m not looking for you honey hole, but------)

When I see post like that I suspect my honey hole is exactly what they are looking for. I worked hard to find my little honey holes over many years, before computers, before play books, with lots of involved time, and even more shoe leather than I care to even think about and often time just plane old good luck. I made the mistake of telling one person where I hunt. The following season it was loaded with hunters. Never again! Don\'t want to sound like a horses rear, but just saying it\'s a good way to loose your best spot. :crazy:
Bill, I am not talking about people giving away their current spot or honey hole. I am talking about people sharing a location that they know holds elk, and maybe even consistently. For those of us who have hunted multiple units over the years or even multiple locations within a given unit, we might be fortunate to have those. I personally have hunted seven different units in Colorado at one time or another and have scouted others. No way I can hunt all of those in a given year! ;)

Good points from Patricia as well on locations versus actually finding elk. Things do vary from time to time in a given year.

For many people, trying to decide on exactly where to start can be very difficult. For anyone in that situation, all I am saying is don\'t be afraid to ask. If it\'s an area I have hunted before, I am more than willing to help as are many others on this site. I\'m not going to steer you to exactly where I am going to be hunting this year, but I could definitely steer some folks to areas where there is a good chance at finding some elk.
\"cohunter14\" said:
Bill, I am not talking about people giving away their current spot or honey hole. I am talking about people sharing a location that they know holds elk, and maybe even consistently. For those of us who have hunted multiple units over the years or even multiple locations within a given unit, we might be fortunate to have those. I personally have hunted seven different units in Colorado at one time or another and have scouted others. No way I can hunt all of those in a given year! ;)

Good points from Patricia as well on locations versus actually finding elk. Things do vary from time to time in a given year.

For many people, trying to decide on exactly where to start can be very difficult. For anyone in that situation, all I am saying is don\'t be afraid to ask. If it\'s an area I have hunted before, I am more than willing to help as are many others on this site. I\'m not going to steer you to exactly where I am going to be hunting this year, but I could definitely steer some folks to areas where there is a good chance at finding some elk.
Guess I should say if you have a good spot in a limited draw area that takes buco points and your chances of ever getting to hunt there are next to nothing, then sure, tell someone about it. But do it via PM and not on the WWW or there will be every Tom, Dick, and Harry in there for years to come.
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
But do it via PM and not on the WWW or there will be every Tom, Dick, and Harry in there for years to come.

Yep, see \'rule of thumb #3\' in original post :upthumb:
I heard that you recently got some intel on a spot for a B List archery cow tag.... :)

I hope it works out for you!
\"cnelk\" said:
I heard that you recently got some intel on a spot for a B List archery cow tag.... :)

I hope it works out for you!

I did! A special thanks to Aaron Johnson for the intel! As I have mentioned in other threads, now that I am going to try hunting with a stick and string this year, I needed to find a location to do that. The area I rifle hunt is a draw hunt and the problem is that all of the other areas I have hunted in the past are also draw areas for archery. Most don\'t require preference points, but it\'s impossible to draw two tags in the Colorado drawing. Aaron proved to me what I was eluding to earlier: there are many awesome members on this site who will go above and beyond in sharing information and helping others out! Thanks to Brad as well for linking me up with Aaron. :upthumb:

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