The Campfire Chat...

\"razorback\" said:
Just finished shooting my bow and a thought came to mind. Can elk jump a string like WT?

The first elk I ever shot at, a cow sipping water at 20-25 yards, about hit the ground. The arrow was stuck in a bank of dirt right behind her, and it seemed that elevation was \"about right\" ... she just changed elevation. I don\'t know if that\'s typical, but that\'s what happened to me. I had a buddy right next to me who said he\'d never seen anything like it.
The bull I shot in 2012 that I have on YouTube ducked about 14-16 inches. I went thru frame by frame and looked at it.

I would say they duck, not jump the shot
I have not had it happen to me yet. I have had them do what I would call a flinch. Have had a couple of people I hunt with say they had one drop down at the shot before.
For you folks that have had elk flinch or move to avoid the arrow; was the elk able to see you shoot or see movement from you?
One saw me move a little because of a limb in the way, but another I think just heard the shot and flinched from the sound at the same time the arrow got there. To me it\'s seems like their body flinchs or tence\'s up as they come to alert.
If hunting with a group of guys in a base camp, do you ever ditch them for a one-nighter (not date, solo hunt over night). If so, did you enjoy it or feel like you missed out on something back at camp?
There are times that I just tell the guys \"Im going solo\' this hunt.
I let them know the general area Im heading into and say \'See ya!\'
I\'ve heard it\'s easy to completely miss a shot at an elk. How the heck can you miss something that big? (I know the answer, taking one for the team).
\"AmericanBwana\" said:
I\'ve heard it\'s easy to completely miss a shot at an elk. How the heck can you miss something that big? (I know the answer, taking one for the team).

Yeah, that\'s hilarious Dana! Years ago, my buddy shot his first bull at 8 yards (frontal shot). When we were packing up, there was another group of hunters coming in that had a girl with them that had never hunted elk...when he told the story, she said \"8 could you ever miss that\"! My buddy got right in her face and said \"just wait, you\'ll find out\"

We heard she missed a bull at 10 yards. :lol:
\"razorback\" said:
If you blow elk out of an area (bench, park...) is that spot done for the day or week. I can only relate to WT. They will only tolerate humans for so long and likely abandon the area for awhile. How about elk?
Two things to consider are elk population in that area and the type of area. If you are hunting an area where the elk can feed just about anywhere and the population is not that great, you may not see another elk for a week...or longer. Had that happen before. But one area I hunt is between a valley full of ranches and good feed and a mountain range. The elk there do not go that far if you push them. You just move a mile or two up/down the valley. Maybe you run into the same elk or maybe some others.

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