Three days left in the CO archery season...

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
I am teaming up with a fellow member from this site to go see if we can make something happen this weekend. I figure that even if we don\'t score an elk I will have had a very successful season. I have learned a lot, saw some amazing things, experienced even more amazing events, killed my first deer, field dressed it myself and butchered it myself. My son was with me less this year due to this damn virus that has been going around but we made a ton of good memories in the woods this year. I am so thankful he was with me during my first big game kill. He was such a trooper for helping blood trail, field dress and pack her out. He was a huge help at and around camp and rarely had to be told to pitch in to get things done or ready for the next day.

I look forward to hunting with Atfrith this weekend and hope we can share some good stories upon our return.

I will finish the season with no regrets if nothing is harvested this weekend as I will know I damn near beat myself into the ground looking for animals this year. I have been fighting a cold since August and just haven\'t given my body the rest it needs to recover.

I have much research to do for next year, primarily on new places to hunt. Brad\'s location was awesome but was too far to drive for weekend hunts. I will look for a place not as far but containing elk. I will also dedicate a week later in the season to return up there if it\'s cool with Brad. I saw a ton of deer in my \"close-to-home\" spot and only three elk while driving out on evening. I will consider that my Deer Spot, but won\'t waste much time up there hunting elk. I can\'t wait for next season since my son should have his deer tag.

Thank you all for the tips, putting up with my dumb-ass questions, sharing your stories and experiences as I was able to use many of them while I was out in the field.

Good luck to anyone that will be up in the hills this weekend and still hoping to fill a tag.

I\'d like to make a quick comment, and I mean it to be helpful.

Don\'t judge how many elk are in an area by the amount that you see.
The elk area that you dedicated your time into is yours to do what ever/whenever you wish.
Its all cool with me!
\"Still Hunter\" said:
I\'d like to make a quick comment, and I mean it to be helpful.

Don\'t judge how many elk are in an area by the amount that you see.
I absolutely agree with this comment Pete. I don\'t mean to judge the area, I know they are in there, but I just seemed to find deer. It is a popular front range destination so it\'s over hunted, 4X4 trails everywhere, impossible to be more than 1 mile from any road/ATV trail, public land shooting going on everywhere. It\'s not ideal but again, it\'s close to home so makes for a convenient weekend spot...and it\'s chock FULL of deer. :mrgreen:

I bet I only saw .1% of the deer in the area and I probably saw 60 deer total this year. I\'m sure I walked right past deer, maybe even elk, and never saw them. We even found moose poop but it was old.
Elk are where you find them, we\'ve heard that time and time again. Am I positive that we\'ll get into them this weekend? Nope. But I do know one thing, Lark and I will work our butts off trying and it\'s going to be a good time! It\'s the last weekend and i\'ll be darned if I spend it sitting on the couch. It\'s time to get \'er done :mrgreen:
Good luck Lark, I\'m glad to hear you and Atfirth were able to team up. Hopefully it works out for one or both of you!
there\'s one hillbilly in TX cheering for you, boys!

I\'ve REALLY been enjoying living vicariously on this site this year.
Attitude and perseverence is everything...and you guys got it!

I know you\'ll get it done. Good luck!
Good luck guys and post the results no matter what the outcome..... Above all Enjoy your time.......
Just got a text from lark, as I\'m stuck working a little tomorrow and can\'t meet him till after. I think the text speaks for itself

\"Holy shit! I heard a bugle!\"

Lol, it\'s all worth it after that
Update can be found here:

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