Tips for in the field use

Interesting info coming out of the battle zones regarding tourniquet use. If you need one, you REALLY need one. And tourniquets can actually be removed up to 2 hours after they were applied. After that the danger actually comes from potassium poisoning instead of loss of the limb. The common wisdom now is, if you think you need it, use it! If you don\'t you\'re gonna bleed out.

If you need it, you need it. Deal with the consequences later. That may mean amputation.

But, you\'ll survive.

But ... I would suggest that common wounds (outside of the battlefield) rarely need a tourniquet.

Does anyone have an actual story of a civilian use of a tourniquet?
PATCHOGUE, Oct. 25. -- The presence of mind of an eighteen-year-old youth in improvising a tourniquet with his leather waist belt saved the life of William C. Dodge Jr., 18 years old, the son of Assistant District Attorney William C. Dodge of Manhattan, when his left hand was badly wounded by the accidental discharge of his shotgun while both were duck hunting on the waters of Great South Bay this morning.
Everybody should have some sort of rope with them who\'s hunting. That could be used for a tourniquet. I\'ve never needed one, but never say never for the future.
\"Bullnuts\" said:
improvising a tourniquet with his leather waist belt


The most important equipment in a first aid situation is your mind, not your tools.

Quick thinking, followed by evacuation.

What you want to say afterward is \"I thought this could happen, and I knew what I would do\", but rarely will you hear \"I thought this could happen, and I carried all the equipment to take care of it.\"
\"Deertick\" said:
What you want to say afterward is \"I thought this could happen, and I knew what I would do\", but rarely will you hear \"I thought this could happen, and I carried all the equipment to take care of it.\"
Ok, what about fire starter? I know that\'s a subject that is cussed and discussed at length....
I use the same backpack for fly fishing. So, I always have some wooden matches in a waterproof container to cook up some brookies at the side of mountain creeks.