Well that was easy.... (CO related)


Jun 13, 2017
Just bought my Colorado deer PP..... that was entirely too easy and much cheaper to apply....

hello point creep!
Yep, something is going to have to change as the result of this new method. The ironic thing is that the CPW is going to make so much more money going this route versus the old method. No checks to print and mail out combined with more people paying the application fees and buying habitat stamps...it's genius on their end, except they will probably have to use all that money to do research and figure out a new preference point method.
$28 to apply for goat, sheep, elk, antelope, deer and moose

Say hello to Pref Point creep guys
Yea i expect there will be some changes before next year. As a non resident it would be nice if they went with a system like WY. What do you residents think of a random draw vs points? I could see how it could be good or bad.
jvanhoy said:
Yea i expect there will be some changes before next year. As a non resident it would be nice if they went with a system like WY. What do you residents think of a random draw vs points? I could see how it could be good or bad.

Personally, I think a random draw could be great, but I'm not a person who has bothered saving points. With the way the point creep was going, I didn't want to sacrifice certain tags that I could draw with first choice options for a 25+ year wait. Now, ask the same question to someone who has a bunch of points saved up and I guarantee you they will have a different answer.

More than likely, I would guess it'll be some combination of this moving forward. Maybe they'll give folks 3-5 years to burn the points they have while moving to a completely random draw.
cohunter14 said:
jvanhoy said:
Yea i expect there will be some changes before next year. As a non resident it would be nice if they went with a system like WY. What do you residents think of a random draw vs points? I could see how it could be good or bad.

Personally, I think a random draw could be great, but I'm not a person who has bothered saving points. With the way the point creep was going, I didn't want to sacrifice certain tags that I could draw with first choice options for a 25+ year wait. Now, ask the same question to someone who has a bunch of points saved up and I guarantee you they will have a different answer.

More than likely, I would guess it'll be some combination of this moving forward. Maybe they'll give folks 3-5 years to burn the points they have while moving to a completely random draw.

Yea im not sure how i would feel. Ill never have more than 2 or 3 points before i use them. It makes planning a little easier for me but would be great to pull a really good tag one year.
Ask Res & NonRes that apply in New Mexico how they feels about a 'random' draw
Not sure how NM is for residents but for me im out. I would love to hunt there but deff not diy friendly.
As a new guy to the western hunting game i love it. While i know my odds will be reduced i love the fact that i can get into the game cheaply.

Starting out i am just building PP in multiple states and hunting OTC CO and or buying landowner tags.

So in short from a guy who for 20+ years has bought his tag at Walmart the day before season i love that some many states are making it easier on us flatlanders. Sorry to crowd the mountain....

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