What did you do today to work towards your elk success?


Jun 13, 2017
This thread can be used to post what you did to work towards the upcoming elk season. Specifically tailored towards physical activities and diet.

It’s never a bad time to work towards your goals!
Today was another 3 mile hike, 20 arrows, and now hopefully soon a full body work carrying a deer out of the woods. ;)
No place to shoot my bow down here, but plenty of hiking places. It’s a choice of sitting in the truck or hiking around the site.
Actually, the time spent in my truck, I’m on my computer researching elk units and draw odds.
Are you feeling lonely on this thread yet? I did the same thing today as yesterday to prepare for hunting season. That was nothing. I’ve got quite a bit of it lined up too. It seems like I do nothing constantly and I never run out of nothing to do.

I can’t shoot my bow at my house but I would like to. I work construction and this time of year it’s dark when I leave and dark when I get home. Working construction keeps me in good shape strength wise but I could really benefit from some cardio. The first several days of the season are always a lung burning experience.

The only thing I have really done to prepare for the upcoming season in the last several years has been online scouting. I have a few places lined up to look at in person but I’ve only been able to make time to go fishing twice during the spring, summer, or fall in the last 5 years so I don’t know how likely it is that I will get to go hiking much.

I’m hoping your updates will guilt me into running sooner or later. It’s been in my plans for a while but seems like something else is always needing done instead.
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I'm with you ribo. I'm hoping Dan's continued posts on this thread will guilt me into getting back to working out. The kids keep us so busy these days along with other things in life that I fell off of the workout wagon a couple years ago and have struggled to make time to get back on board. I suppose it's at the point where I need to start trying to make time for it again.
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Knocked the dust off the bows yesterday and I have found that with my strong desire for food I have to work out year round so I'm right there with you Dan. This morning was MTNTOUGH post season strength 2 wk 8 day 1.
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Knocked the dust off the bows yesterday and I have found that with my strong desire for food I have to work out year round so I'm right there with you Dan. This morning was MTNTOUGH post season strength 2 wk 8 day 1.
How has the MTNTOUGH program been going so far?

Before we know it, draw season will be here and it always helps turn the volume up!
Are you feeling lonely on this thread yet? I did the same thing today as yesterday to prepare for hunting season. That was nothing. I’ve got quite a bit of it lined up too. It seems like I do nothing constantly and I never run out of nothing to do.

I can’t shoot my bow at my house but I would like to. I work construction and this time of year it’s dark when I leave and dark when I get home. Working construction keeps me in good shape strength wise but I could really benefit from some cardio. The first several days of the season are always a lung burning experience.

The only thing I have really done to prepare for the upcoming season in the last several years has been online scouting. I have a few places lined up to look at in person but I’ve only been able to make time to go fishing twice during the spring, summer, or fall in the last 5 years so I don’t know how likely it is that I will get to go hiking much.

I’m hoping your updates will guilt me into running sooner or later. It’s been in my plans for a while but seems like something else is always needing done instead.
I'm with you ribo. I'm hoping Dan's continued posts on this thread will guilt me into getting back to working out. The kids keep us so busy these days along with other things in life that I fell off of the workout wagon a couple years ago and have struggled to make time to get back on board. I suppose it's at the point where I need to start trying to make time for it again.

I figured at some point some other people would jump in!

I’ve been so busy that I almost have to get creative, but really just being outside is the best thing.

Today I hiked about 4 miles with my daughter setting up trap lines.

Then I got a good core workout by tearing down and moving 5 tree stand set ups. You’d be surprised how much that gives you a whole body workout!
How has the MTNTOUGH program been going so far?

Before we know it, draw season will be here and it always helps turn the volume up!
I like it. Some of the exercises are a bit much but I substitute them with what I can do. It's nice having my workouts programmed year round knowing that heading into September I'm going to be ready to go.
Haven’t done much in the last couple weeks, and it shows! Going home on the 10th for a couple days, gonna bring my pack back and start doing some rucking during the day. Don’t have hills but a few piles and broken terrain which is better than nothing.
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Today was 6 miles of trapping and shed hunting!
Did you find any sheds? I used to look for sheds all the time. Then it became popular and everyone else was out doing it. I never used to see people out and now I either see people or boot tracks. I haven’t been out looking for sheds for probably 15 years. That was about the time I started winter fishing instead.
Did you find any sheds? I used to look for sheds all the time. Then it became popular and everyone else was out doing it. I never used to see people out and now I either see people or boot tracks. I haven’t been out looking for sheds for probably 15 years. That was about the time I started winter fishing instead.
I found one old shed, but while sneaking around I saw too many bucks still packing so I decided to wait a few more weeks. I’d rather then be comfortable on the property and drop both!

I still do both public and private, but you’re right. I know people who don’t even hunt that started shed hunting because they like finding them. Lots of competition!

I’m just fortunate I have a lot of properties I can walk because I have hunting or trapping access!!
One of the places I saw the most boot traffic was private property that nobody was supposed to be on except me. I posted it for the landowner and that only seemed to increase trespassing. That was the same property where I had a treestand stolen and someone left toilet paper hanging on all the trails around my stand. It was the only piece of private property I have ever hunted and it was great hunting but it was close to town. I quit hunting there years ago due to all the headaches.

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