what distances for practice


New member
May 29, 2014
Just wondering what distances, amount of time and arrows you are all shooting because it is about that time to blow the dust off for all of us who shoot outdoors.

i shoot all my distances equally same amount of arrows per target, per distance. work my way up to how many shots per day when i take a break from shooting this year i didnt
I like to mix up the practice routine.  One day I might shoot 5-7 per pin/gap, another I will ladder my arrows per pin/gap (1,3,5,7,5,3,1), and some days I shoot single arrows per distance.  I always like to practice out to double my hunting distance.  For me, I will practice out to 90-100 yards, but will never take a shot over 50 in the field.
Usually do a few shots at the 20 yard line to warm up. Move back to 30 & do some there. Then hit the 40 & do the majority of my practice. My range goes out to 80 yards, but so far 70 has been my max.
I start off with a cold shot at 50 (because that is the one that really counts in my book), then I shoot 2 arrows each at 20-40 and another at 50.  That's round one.  After that I do my work at 50 to 80 (5 rounds) because all my mistakes are amplified at that distance.  I finally shoot 2 rounds @ 90 and @100.  To finish it off I walk singles out from 20-70.  That's what I'm shooting now. 
I shoot at all distances i can. I usually start off at 20 and work my way back in 10 yard sections until im about to about a 120 yards.  The better you get at shooting long distances the better you will feel at closer ones.
In the morning before work I go out and shoot one arrow, mixing it up from day to day from 40yds to 60yds because like was stated before, that one cold arrow is the one that needs to count. At night I shoot from 60yds to 80yds, really makes you concentrate and get your form down. Then I'll shoot a couple 3 arrow groups at shorter ranges.
shoot all distances from 10 to 90 yards, I like to mix it up by shooting just random distances 13, 43, 67  a diff shoot ever shoot.

I generally shoot 40-60 yards since my pins go from 20-60. Anything under that is fairly easy for me. I do shoot at 70 yards about every 6th shooting session because it is fun. I have a brother that only shoots out to 30 because he isn't a very good shot. And that isn't bad since most of the bulls I've ever shot at have been within 40 yards.
I've been shooting from 20 to 75. Shoot 50 the most, for some reason that's my favorite yardage. Cant believe how much better my shooting has got since I've started coming out west to hunt. Used to only shoot out to 40. Now everything under seems so close.
Shoot 40 arrows or so at differing distances 30 to 100yds until august 25 ish. Then 1 arrow a night until the opener(seriously).
I shoot one arrow from 20, one From 30, 40..... Out to 100.  This time of year I rarely shoot more than one arrow at a given distance.
If i had more pins i'd practice out to 100 but for now my max is 70.  the last month i've been taking very few shots at less than 40 just so that the closer ones seem like chip shots when it comes down to crunch time.
I shoot from 20-100 most practice sessions.  I practice the longer distances to make the short ones chip shots.
I do 70% of my practice at 20 yards. A tight group will tell you how you are shooting. The other 30% is at longer distance to 60 yards. Keeping your form correct and mind/nerves calm is important. You may be able to hit a beer lid at 50 yards but loose control and miss at 15 yards. To me, finding the elk and getting close is a lot harder than making the shot. Good luck to everyone this year, it's about to commence!
I shoot out to 80 yards, Spot Hogg 7 Deadly Pin sight. I start each session with 1 arrow at 30 or 40. That's the arrow I'm most interested in. Never had and animal stand and let me throw 5 arrows at it. Makethe first one count.