Whats the next step in this situation

steve, don\'t worry, there are bulls where you are going. if I had known about raking, rolling rocks, breaking twigs, are even stomping around I would have seen a couple of them instead of just heard them hanging up just out of sight. remember, I witnessed 2 bulls fighting and bumped a bull while heading up to that second higher up pasture, and that bull that was raking a tree just in timber from that first pasture last year.....
Sure hope I find them and don\'t blow it. Some days I get nervous thinking about it. I think my wife is right when she says I am obsessed over this. I just hope I don\'t act like I\'m turkey hunting and over call.
no worries steve. I have blown plenty of opportunities and it is still fun as hell! that\'s why I have been planning this years trip for the passed 11.5 months :lol: my biggest foul up came my first year in Colorado. last evening of the hunt, I was still hunting their bedding areas at about 4:30 pm or so, the ridges that I marked for that were above the logging road. they usually got up and started down the mtn around 5-5:30. that\'s when the evening bugles usually started. I had bumped a 5x5 in the area the night before, I was going too fast, it was getting too close to dark for me, and I didn\'t trust my ears when I thought that I heard something get up. that\'s a different story.... anyways, I came across a rag horn, broadside, in the timber that didn\'t know I was there. he was feeding and was about 40 yards away. I had to move to get around a branch that prevented me from shooting. he started moving and my nerves were so bad that I forgot to grunt at him to stop him.... I tried a cow call when he got out of view, but my mouth was so dry that it sounded like a cat in heat.... then I started coughing :oops:
so, my biggest piece of advice, which has been my biggest obstacle, have woods sense like a whitetail hunter but do not treat elk like a whitetail. I find myself freezing every time I hear an elk. I don\'t want to blow them out. elk are big and make lots of noise and expect that elk call they just heard to sound like and elk. if this dumb flat land deer hunter can find elk, I know that you can. plus you got a heads up :D

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