When do your deer rut?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
We have a lot of people from all over the US.
So I\'d be interested to hear when you are out chasing deer during the rut?

For Oklahoma my deer were heavy on their feet in daylight last year from the 12th to the 18th.

I shot a buck at 930 am last year on the 14th.

How about you?
Normally it\'s the first two weeks of November up here.

I think it is early this year from what I have seen and others have told me. I\'m down turkey hunting and had a big doe with twins come by me tonight and she was chasing them away already. You know what that means.
November 5 thru 15 are my choice dates. I will be taking off Monday and Friday from the 6th thru the 27th and leaving work at noon the rest of November. Deer beware :mg: :mg: :mg:

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