Where Do You Carry Your Rangefinder


New member
Mar 21, 2014
I was wondering where and how you guys carry your rangefinder to keep it handy but out of the way? I have carried it in the case on my hip and in a pocket on my jacket in the past.
Cargo pocket of my pants.

I should also clarify I have a para cord tied through a belt loop. In the heat of the moment I have been known to drop it and tag it around.
I like hoodies

My rangefinder has a para cord on it.
If Im wearing a hoodie or jacket , I tuck it into the front pocket - see pics below.

If Im not wearing a hoodie, I loop the para cord thru my belt and tuck the range finder in my thigh cargo pocket

Alway, always my range finder is attached to my body, somehow

mine hangs around my neck and my right shoulder and is left dangling under my armpit.

when i\'m wearing a pack it gets pushed forward. it works..not perfect but it works. i can range and just drop it and get to business with the bow.

i wanted the Range snap, but it was sold out when i was inspired to buy one. the moment passed. :)
I cinch mine up around my neck tight enough I can just barely get it up to my eye that way it\'s always there I range and drop it. It is close enough to my chest so as not to catch my string ect ect but that\'s what works for me everyone is different
\"Tdiesel\" said:
I cinch mine up around my neck tight enough I can just barely get it up to my eye that way it\'s always there I range and drop it. It is close enough to my chest so as not to catch my string ect ect but that\'s what works for me everyone is different

I used to do this now it is in the middle pocket of my Primos Bowhunting Vest along with all my other gear. I tether it to the installed D loop on the vest.
Me reading this this thread: \"Where is that damn thing?\"

I keep mine in my right thigh cargo pocket, loose. I\'ve thought about the paracord thing. May consider it again this year. I really like my Vortex rangefinder ... the viewer has great optics and I often use it along as an \"all-around\" optic ... i.e. I use it in place of binoculars.
Okay, I guess I have a different approach than those more experienced elk hunters. 1) I don\'t like anything around my neck like that - had a buddy at the range almost die when his string caught his tie and it cinched up so tight we had to cut it off. Dumb wearing a tie while shooting? Hell yes! But, he came straight from work so couldn\'t really blame him.

My max distance is 40 yards. My bow shoots approx 300 fps. I do carry a rangefinder and it\'s close by but not where I\'d pull out on every animal that gets within my range. When I sit at a waterhole or pinch point, I range objects around me then put it up so that I can limit my motion should an elk come in. If on private land, I spray paint rocks and place at the different ranges so easily viewable from my tree stand.

When I\'ve been fortunate enough to call one in, I can fairly accurate guess 10 yds, 20 yds, 30 yds. If I\'m off 5 yards, my setup is forgiving enough to still hit the kill zone. Before I got my rangefinder, that\'s how I had to judge distance and got pretty good at it by using judo points and stump shooting at various ranges then step off to see how close.
I always used to carrying my \"rangefinder\" attached to my bow... :D :D Of course I used the different sight pins and the distance between them as my rangefinder...

Examples... If elks body would fit between top pin and second pin he was way to far for me to shoot... If his body fit between top pin and 3rd pin he was getting closer to me be able to shoot about 40 yards I think it was.. If he fit between top pin and 4th pin i could simply lower the top pin to my spot and release the arrow... Anywhere in between the top pin and the 3rd and 4th pin was under 40 yards so I had to adjust using my 2nd pin which was set at 30 yards.... Top pin was pretty good out to 30 yards on a elk give and take a bit... Confusing????? Not to me it ain\'t... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Everyone else would call that \"Kentucky windage\" but I called it working for me... :D :D

Now deer was different since I always hunted out off stands and I marked the yardage with surveyors tape or those little \"flags on a wire\" they use...
I have an FHF bino harness. I put my rangefinder carrying case on the right side lateral strap. I fish the lateral strap buckle through the belt loop on the carrying case, and usually loop the lanyard around the lateral strap so I don\'t lose it. I keep it on my right side as I carry my bow in my left hand and can then reach it easily for one hand operation.
\"Colorado Russ\" said:
Okay, I guess I have a different approach than those more experienced elk hunters. 1) I don\'t like anything around my neck like that - had a buddy at the range almost die when his string caught his tie and it cinched up so tight we had to cut it off. Dumb wearing a tie while shooting? Hell yes! But, he came straight from work so couldn\'t really blame him.

My max distance is 40 yards. My bow shoots approx 300 fps. I do carry a rangefinder and it\'s close by but not where I\'d pull out on every animal that gets within my range. When I sit at a waterhole or pinch point, I range objects around me then put it up so that I can limit my motion should an elk come in. If on private land, I spray paint rocks and place at the different ranges so easily viewable from my tree stand.

When I\'ve been fortunate enough to call one in, I can fairly accurate guess 10 yds, 20 yds, 30 yds. If I\'m off 5 yards, my setup is forgiving enough to still hit the kill zone. Before I got my rangefinder, that\'s how I had to judge distance and got pretty good at it by using judo points and stump shooting at various ranges then step off to see how close.
I agree with Russ all the way on this. Besides, if I have time to range an animal, I probably have enough time to fumble around looking for where I put the damn thing!
\"Baby Huey\" said:
I have an FHF bino harness. I put my rangefinder carrying case on the right side lateral strap. I fish the lateral strap buckle through the belt loop on the carrying case, and usually loop the lanyard around the lateral strap so I don\'t lose it. I keep it on my right side as I carry my bow in my left hand and can then reach it easily for one hand operation.

This is my exact setup!

Wish I could find a case that would fit the leupold a little looser so I could more easily pull it out.
gps unit is normally in my right cargo pants pocket.

rangefinder is normally in the left cargo pants pocket.
I have a quick draw I keep on my backpack strap. Tethered string system - I like it. Easy to disconnect if I need to drop the pack and move quick.
I clip mine to my bino harness with a range snap.

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\"Baby Huey\" said:
I have an FHF bino harness. I put my rangefinder carrying case on the right side lateral strap. I fish the lateral strap buckle through the belt loop on the carrying case, and usually loop the lanyard around the lateral strap so I don\'t lose it. I keep it on my right side as I carry my bow in my left hand and can then reach it easily for one hand operation.

I do this exact same thing. I even have a leupold RF. Only difference is I have the Vortex coyote FHF bino case.

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