Which Game Bags?

\"cnelk\" said:
Thanks for all of the info everyone!

The only thing i wonderr about the panty hose is that women\'s undergarments are sized for elk quarters ...
I can\'t quite make that connection

thanks..thanks alot. now it appears i have tonight\'s nightmare theme burned into my subconscious mind. thanks.

i\'m gonna be pissed if i wake up screaming..:D
I have used Allen game bags for years, or pillow cases. Now I also have pantyhose in my freighter. My wife is no 4X, but I am sure I can get backstraps and other boned out parts in a couple of pairs of her rejects. All I need to worry about now is getting the backstraps to \"come a little bit closer\", as jay and the Americans sang.
Hey; Oly and I saw a couple of BIG bulls this past Saturday. We nicknamed them kloe and Kim. I know the gender is not right, but I think it is okay with that family. These boys had butts even the Kim would turn green over.
\"Swede\" said:
My wife is no 4X
That is good news, Swede! :clap:

\"Swede\" said:
These boys had butts even the Kim would turn green over.

It\'s a good thing you didn\'t film them and put them up on You Tube...they might have \"blown up the Internet\" :lol:

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