Who collects Pref Points?

I have an even dozen that I plan on burning this year. Here in Colorful Callirado. At least I hope to..
I was collecting them until last, where I finally cased them in for an RFW tag. Well worth the wait.

I figure I\'ll collect one or two, then apply for another RFW cow tag.

And I have 9 deer points that are burning a hole in my pocket. Any good rifle units out there? I was thinking of burning them on an RFW ES deer tag up toward WW\'s way.

All the really good bucks are just a hair lower than where you hunted AB. The best time to find em is around the 5th of November. That\'s when they really start to pop out of the woodwork. Much before that and you\'ll swear there aren\'t any good ones around.
7 elk / 7 deer in Colorado here.

Any suggestions?

Since I\'m in WY, and prefer archery, I\'m thinking about using them for a later hunt, so I can \"double-dip\", i.e. I don\'t want to sacrifice my WY archery general season to go to Colorado.
I haven\'t saved much for elk as I have used them on drawing tags quite a bit. I do save up Deer and Antelope tags and have plans in place for those.
I\'ve got a dozen points for elk in CO.
I had drawn a tag in a 1 point area last year but after scouting it all summer turned the tag back in for my points to be restored. The point creep is getting worse every year for the best units, but I might pull the trigger next year on a 61 archery tag.
I\'ve also got the max for sheep and goat here in Colorado, I might be sheep hunting again this fall.
Blew our deer points last year and only spent an afternoon in the area at the end of the season.

Dave - What are you thinking for your points? Send me a PM and I just might join you!
I collected 10 Pref Points and used them in 2000 for a Unit 10 ML tag.
I then started collecting again and used the next 11 Pref Points in 2012 for Unit 61 Archery tag
This year I will get my 2nd elk Pref Point

I have 7 deer Pref Points.
Im thinking about cashing those in this year out in eastern Colorado.
I know I will leave a few on the table, but my son will also draw the tag with his 4 PP.
Looking forward to that hunt.

I collected many, many PP for moose over the years and got lucky and drew that tag in 2009.
So I quit doing that.

I have 4 PP for antelope, and will continue collecting.
I have never hunted them so that is on the bucket list

I have never applied for goat or sheep.
\"AmericanBwana\" said:
I have 9 deer points that are burning a hole in my pocket. Any good rifle units out there? I was thinking of burning them on an RFW ES deer tag up toward WW\'s way.


If you want to wait one more year, get another PP, look into GMU 21.
Some good bucks over that way
Brad, if you are looking for a good spot to cash in on the antelope points, let me know. Four of them could potentially get you drawn in a very solid unit that I am pretty familiar with...
ive got 1 deer an 3 elk pts. will start collecting moose this year. gonna try to get a mulie tag but doubtful where I hunt.
I have 4 elk and 0 for deer. After hunting with cnelk and my cousin in a certian unit i know where I am cashing my points at. still have a few years to go.
I should have started a long time ago. I was not sure how often or long I was going to hunt elk. I did a few times and now I am an addict. I plan on annual hunts as long as this body will let me. I will start earning them this year.
5 Elk
2 Deer
1 Pronghorn

1 Elk

After 2014 draw, I will have one more of each.

If I ever get an elk, I would consider putting in for moose. I do not know if I will ever hunt pronghorn since I do not want to sit in a blind. I need to wander while hunting and not have a roof over me.
I love my Pref. Points. I put them on the wall and look at them all the time. :D

Elk -- 17
Deer -- 11

Getting closer!!
Hello elk hunters! First post on here. Looks great guys!

Hey Brad, You know Lou has said on numerous occassions he could have had his pick of 170-190ish bucks in 2 this year? I might suggest you go hunt with your son without a tag and convince him to do the same with you in unit 2 archery. Two hunts for one! Either way, good luck

Oh yea, I draw points for elk, muley, lopes, moose, bighorn, mtn. goat, and turykey in CO and WY; don\'t forget my Iowa deer points!