Who is gonna use a tree stand for elk this year?

I will bring my climber out.
I may use it for evening hunts over a water hole or wallow that is hot.
Not sure though.
A buddy has a climber he said I can use. The question is whether or not I can find a reliable spot. I\'m no the most patient person but want to try a tree stand.
Not me, and it actually doesn\'t have to do with the fact that I don\'t like heights or that I can\'t sit still for very long :D

I choose not to use tree stands simply from a timing standpoint. I typically hunt first rifle season in Colorado, which is a five day season. Simply put, I\'m not willing to use some of my hunting time to put stands out or take them down. I currently do not take enough time off to get there early enough to get stands out and then stay long enough to take them down before and after the season. Instead, I make my own ground blinds or just find a good spot to sit when I decide to hunt that route. The same will be true this year even though I am hunting archery season as well. I simply don\'t have the time to setup and take down stands. I\'ll instead choose to hunt during those times.

Now, for those people who have multiple weeks or even a month to hunt, a stand is a foolproof way to fill a tag in my opinion. Find a game trail that is getting some use and plop a stand up along it. If you sit there long enough, sooner or later an elk will stroll by. But for me, I don\'t have the time nor the patience to do that! I\'ll be doing some spot and stalk, some sitting in ground blinds (as long as I can take it), as well as the old \'run and gun\'.
thinkin bout it. but like we talked last nite i dont have my elk patterned well enough to pinpoint a stand location. so i may just stay on the ground. i agree with the timing issue to. it is hard to drive out, put stands up, hunt, take them down, then drive home. if i still lived out there i would def have stands up though.
i bought a climber just to hunt elk, and have never used it, prob wont.
I have a \"tree stand hunting rocky mountain elk\" book that I am done with. Willing to pass it on if someone is interested.
I will after experiencing it last year. Super effective and overlooked way to hunt elk.

I should have at least 2-3 fixed sets ready this summer with a climber ready to go for recon missions.
Will absolutely use tree stands this year. I have my current private land access which almost requires you hunt from a stand or risk blowing the elk out onto the neighboring ranches. Easy access with ATV so not a big deal to take in and setup stands. For this property, I use ladder stands which are a bit heavy and cumbersome but ideal. It\'s also a very easy hunt compared to what I\'ve done in the past.

Now, if I should get so lucky as to draw my coveted archery tag, I won\'t be hunting the lease but still plan on having a tree stand or two over water holes on private land. If I\'m on public, I\'ll likely build ground blinds instead since good chance will be moving around from location to location.

Have 2 chain on stands and climbing sticks but prefer a ladder stand if possible.
\"bowhunter\" said:
I have a \"tree stand hunting rocky mountain elk\" book that I am done with. Willing to pass it on if someone is interested.

I have a couple of those books kicking around too - Free BTW
\"midwest\" said:
You guys hunting treestands for elk....are you mostly sitting water and wallows?
I\'ve always been a bugle chaser in the past. Early season when things are quiet I\'ve had troubles hunting elk affectively. So last year I tried tree stand hunting. Actually liked it. So I\'m by far the last person to give advice. But Brad and other tree stand \"killers\" on BTO are a good source of info.
\"midwest\" said:
You guys hunting treestands for elk....are you mostly sitting water and wallows?

More often, I\'m running and gunning in the mornings, and I\'m sitting over well-used trails going from bedding to feeding areas for my evening hunts. I\'ve had success at wallows as well, but this has been a pretty good recipe for me when it comes to elk.

Best of Luck,
\"midwest\" said:
You guys hunting treestands for elk....are you mostly sitting water and wallows?

Bedding areas are good.

Set up near bedding areas. Climb a tree and get settled.
Mew a few times and wait.

Mornings or evenings the elk will come from the bedding area or to the bedding area.

Wallows or seeps are good early in the season.
Aaron Johnson and I found a nice wallow/seep last summer and set a trail cam on it.
If he woulda sat there opening day evening, he would shot a bull.
\"bowhunter\" said:
I have a \"tree stand hunting rocky mountain elk\" book that I am done with. Willing to pass it on if someone is interested.

I found a home for my book. Being passed on to another BTO member.
I hope to use one depending on the terrain and unit I end up in.

Couple questions regarding these as I have had the public land battles here in Illinois during deer season.

You find a good area you want to hang a stand, but find one there. Do you hunt there in a different tree as when you show up nobody was there? We have people here that put up stands right before season but don\'t hunt it often. Here it is thought \"first come, first serve\" where if you are there first, you hunt, the other person backs off. But, I did have a buddy of mine get into a huge altercation over a spot that we hunted for years. He was in his stand and a guy came in and said it was his spot, it got ugly, threats where made, and police had to be called. I don\'t like confrontation, try to stay clear of others, but some spots are really good and nobody ever shows up. Most hunters work with each other and you don\'t have any problems.

So BTO members, you show up to a great place and there is a stand there, do you move on?

How far would you guys pack a stand in?

Do you leave your stand for the season, or pack in and pack it out?

I have never seen anyone near any of my stands while I was in them.
I got a couple trail cam pics of a guy walking by but other than that, nothing.

Elk hunting from a tree stand isnt very popular and almost all of my stands I need my GPS to find them every time.

Its nothing like stand hunting for deer.
Elk will cover more ground in a couple of days than a deer will all year.

My stands arent more than 3/4 mile from my truck.
I have 3-4 up right now and this summer I will adjust them a bit based on last years sightings

I now a have a nice climber that I will carry in and out each time, but other than that, the others are climbing sticks and hang-on stands.

The biggest decision you will have if you use one is, if you hear a bugle 1/4 mile away,
Do you stay in your stand or get down and go chase the bull? :)

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