Why even go?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
I rearranged and defrosted my freezer tonight.
I still have 126 lbs of elk meat.
Why should I even go hunting?


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Usually right before my season starts I will donate a good portion of my leftovers to good friends, people who I know are in need financially, and any charity that will take it.

Hunting is your passion, hobby, and a way of life.

If you need someone to take some of that elk off your hands my address is.............. :D
because its fun and it part of who you are! I mean surely you can find someone who can use a few packs of elk meat. In highschool days my dad, brother and I would get list b tags too and we usually ended up killing at least 4-5 elk a year elk plus depending some years deer and my senior year a sheep. grandparents aunts uncles everybody got some meat. We usually about had the freezers empty by next season now that I got my own family we usually eat all that we (my wife and I) kill.
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
I better not hear of you shooting a cow opening day! :p

is that voodoo around here..... I will be doing it if I can.....

I don\'t mind if I pop my cherry on a cow :lol:
That is disgusting Brad. Way to rub salt in a wound. I still have about 6 packages of elk from my 2012 hunt, and a little bit of deer. If a big cow walks by me, she better have a calf with her, or it will probably be lights out time. >>>------> whack!
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My supply is getting low.



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I donate most of the meat to the local mission. They feed the needy 3 times a week.
\"iccyman001\" said:
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
I better not hear of you shooting a cow opening day! :p

is that voodoo around here..... I will be doing it if I can.....

I don\'t mind if I pop my cherry on a cow :lol:

I think Brad can be a little choosey this year. :)
\"Olympushunt\" said:
Because.....I see a little room on the right. :D

Maybe enough for a calf elk... :)

Just a fun thread to discuss.
Of course I will be going elk hunting. I will have 2 tags in my pocket.
One E/S & one cow tag.

My son will have an archery tag and quite possibly a rifle tag later.

I too give meat away, but only if I am successful to make room.
I have a friend who had a heart attack and lean elk meat is a good diet for him.
And if my NR friend doesnt connect, he will take some meat home

My daughter will be going off to college soon and Im sure I will be bringing her a \'care package\' for her and her roommate on occasion :dance2:
Brad, based on the evidence I see, it looks like you are better at killing elk than delivering to the needy. :lol: I never claim to give it all away either.
Brad, I\'m sure we can find 126 forum members who would love to mix some of that elk meat with their tag soup! :lol: It would have tasted a lot better than eating that blue plastic stuff straight like I had to do last year!
I\'m in the same boat as Brad, along with a bunch of trout and walleye and leftover deer from 2012. Putting 20 lbs of it into jerky sticks next week for the upcoming hunting season.

But since I\'m hunting a totally new and unfamiliar area this year, it\'s insurance so I can spend the season learning. We give a lot away to friends, especially those who are better at walking around in the woods with a bow than filling the freezer. ;)
You guys need to eat more elk. Before I started to donate the meat, I could never get a whole elk to last me a year.
Brad....what is all that stuff on the bottom doing there? I see what looks like bread products, maybe some fruit and some cat food. You have heard that man can\'t live on bread alone but I never read anything in the bible that said you can\'t live on elk alone. :wave:
Why even go? C\'mon, we don\'t hunt for meat. That can be bought at the store for less money and effort than we put into this elk thing. I hunt to hunt, because I love it. That\'s why
\"otcWill\" said:
Why even go? C\'mon, we don\'t hunt for meat. That can be bought at the store for less money and effort than we put into this elk thing. I hunt to hunt, because I love it. That\'s why

If that\'s the case you don\'t have to pull the trigger. Just get the elk in your sights, and call it good.

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