Just saw this, thank you! I wasn\'t fortunate enough to fill my elk tag this year but I do still have a rifle doe tag for 2nd season that it could come in handy for. I continue to be amazed at this generocity on this forum, thanks again!
Having said that, if anybody else out there took an animal this year that was especially important to them and is having troubles financially to preserve that memory, let me know...that would be a better use of this great offer in my eyes.
Congrats Anthony, and that is an awfully nice offer on your part :upthumb: With all of the nice trophies on the meat pole forum, maybe someone is willing to do an exchange with some elk steaks for you. You speak of the generosity of this forum and it is the way it is because of people like you. The fact you opened your elk camp up to another member and then make an offer like this is what makes this place great!