Your bugle tube


New member
Apr 30, 2014
What type of bugle tube suites you best?

A big one?
Short one?
Wide mouth?

Then my question is why?

Is it a protection of noise thing?
Convenience of carry?
I have the Bully Bull grunt tube because when I started hunting that\'s what the local archery shop recommended. It\'s a good tube light weight and straps right to the outside of my bag. I am keeping my eyes open though I hear they might be a new tube in the works.
\"vthokee\" said:
I am keeping my eyes open though I hear they might be a new tube in the works.

There sure is!

Mine is a larger one and I love it. I get great sound from it and can really project myself.
The mouth size allows me to get some great chuckles from it too.
It stores easy in my pack and works great for those unclose bear encounter. :lol:
I used to lose a bugle every year :) . I guess just heat of the moment, I wanted it off of my person. Always ended up leaving it somewhere. For that reason I\'ve used almost every bugle made. My favorite by far has been the Bully Bull from Bugling Bull. Why? Because its LOUD! Small mouth opening, large/relatively long barrel with a \"muffler\" on it to adjust amplification. If I\'m calling a very close range bull I simply ditch my diaphragm and voice bulge through it. This sounds incredibly realistic and VERY few bugles get this kind of amplification with voice bugles
I use a wiffle ball bat with the ends cut off, wrapped in camo tape, add flex tube to the handle. Cheap, light, and sounds good!
I would like to ask the elk in my area that question. They don\'t seem to want to come to any, and I can\'t go to them where they are on the ranch. They will answer, but they don\'t move.

We also have elk like that here that stay on private land that we can not hunt. They do bugle but never leave. I finally gave up on them and have moved to greener pastures !!

In all honesty I am so glad I decided to move on as I have found so many more elk and some real great honey holes that I can hunt any time and usually get into action of some sort.

Now even since then I have found even more spots I never knew were there !! So don\'t be afraid to move on to other area\'s as I think you\'ll be glad you did !!

I am and I haven\'t looked back for about 8 years now. Do some research first on Google Earth and then once you find some elk looking spots, Head out for a scouting trip and get on a game trail and just see where the trail takes you. Trust me you\'ll find some amazing new areas with springs and wallows ect. Trails lead from feeding to bedding just remember that. Everything in between is gravy !!

I agree Trav. The only thing holding me back is the social side of the hunt. Friends and fam. like to hunt there. I have scouted some other areas and my son wants to look at another place too, so I may move. I tried your calls last September, and the elk liked it, but not well enough to come to me.
They say the way to a man\'s heart is through his stomach, and we know one other way too. Well maybe I should get a bale of alfalfa and spread it out on the nearby public land, and pour around it a bottle of cow in heat urine. :lol:

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