Call Review; The Good, Bad and Ugly

I would like to get a few calls too.

PM me with what you feel would be appropriate for me to order

Troy ... help me.

I don\'t remember how you say \"Tone, intensity, and pitch.\"

Explain what you are talking about a little more ... it sounds interesting. You\'re saying high pitches are an \"attack trigger\" ... explain that, too.
You can all check out my web page at
I have some videos on there also that you can listen to that show case some calls . I will say that video DOES NOT give a real picture of how good they sound like in person, you cant\'t tell the difference in how loud some can really get and how awesome some of the tone breaks really are. etc. If You have ever watched a guy like Corey or Rockie Jacobsen on Video and then seen them at a seminar, or in the woods, and heard them in person, you probably understand what I am talking about! but... I guess it is the same for everybody.
I may change the line up a little bit .... I am trying to develop some calls that are easy enough for most guys to blow yet still hit the \" Attack Trigger\" that drives bulls crazy.
I think that most guys do not understand Tone, Intensity and Pitch.... Like some of us, that spent a lot of time in Dan Moore\'s Archery shop. (I will have to explain more on that later!)
For example...
I know a guy here in town that is a flat out BIG BULL Elk killer that wants about the same sound as Dan Moore. Anyhow, you can see him go to the archery shop grab a handful of maybe 20 calls off the rack, open the package and blow the call... 1 time... he either puts in his call pouch or throws it in the garbage! right there in the Archery shop.
How many of you have done that?? I developed some calls for him so he doesn\'t have to always do that. He wants the Attack Trigger!
I have to go for now I have lots of family in town but I will get back to you guys later on Tone Intensity and Pitch... --->>Hope this helps Troy

It\'s like when my favorite shows as a kid used to say \"Tune in next week when ...\"

I\'ll be watching. And probably visiting that website!
For example...
I know a guy here in town that is a flat out BIG BULL Elk killer that wants about the same sound as Dan Moore. Anyhow, you can see him go to the archery shop grab a handful of maybe 20 calls off the rack, open the package and blow the call... 1 time... he either puts in his call pouch or throws it in the garbage! right there in the Archery shop.

Hey Troy! That wouldn\'t be Dyrke would it? I don\'t know if he is a big bull killer or not but it sounds like something he might do LOL!
I\'ve tried a bunch of different calls from different call makers. Troy has gone above and beyond to help me with my calling and for that I\'m very grateful. As my calling has improved I\'ve changed my mind about what I like.

I\'m currently struggling to get quality cow sounds with double and triple reeds. But those are the reeds that make the best bugle for me so I will continue to practice and I will use both types if necessary.
For me I find that that a double reed is very sufficient for the type of sounds I make. If any thing, I use a softer double or a single reed for cow sounds. I can still make most cow sounds with any double as well just not the tones I\'m looking for. Most double reeds are more versatile in making all different bull sounds then triples IMO. I am also trying to improve my calling as well.
Deertick you describe Tone intensity and pitch like this in another thread so I will put it on here. I usually describe it with the word NO and a 2 year old kid or the word HEY. But your analogy seems to fit as well.

Think of talking to kids while in the car ... there\'s a difference between \"Cut it out\", \"CUT IT OUT!\", and pulling over on the side of the road, getting out and yelling \"NOW CUT IT OUT, DAMMIT!!!\".

All of them mean exactly the same thing, which is why it\'s so frustrating, and why I have no hair left.

I could imagine an elk, watching the road (as in the \"Drive-by elk hunting\" thread) and saying \"Now, see that? THAT is a Level 3 agitated-type grunt. When you hear that, all the kid has to do is say \'But\' ... just like that ... nothing fancy, just \'But\' ... and the human bull will come absolutely unglued.\"

Deertick, You just described TONE INTENSITY and PITCH in a NUT SHELL. Each time you said CUT IT OUT to the kids ... think about it you Escalated or( Intensified) the (Sternness ) TONE of YOUR VOICE... and each time you Raised your voice, to the next level. You were a little more ticked off and the so each level had a higher pitch! In your example then the kid CUT you off (So to speak) with, The word BUT, in this case it means... BUT DAD, so the kid can interject there thoughts and feelings into the situation. BUT you did not care at that point you are basically telling them to SHUT UP and be good ... or else... Pretty much the same for elk but most of the time it is some version of come here or go away! IMO
Also Flystraight and I have had conversations about how elk language and Horse language seem similar in many ways. You can read a lot about an elk by body language just as you would a horse.
Hey, Troy ... I\'m a horse guy ... tell me more about what you mean about horses and elk being similar.

(Taste? :lol: )

No, I mean, are you talking about body language or actual verbalizations?
For example...
I know a guy here in town that is a flat out BIG BULL Elk killer that wants about the same sound as Dan Moore. Anyhow, you can see him go to the archery shop grab a handful of maybe 20 calls off the rack, open the package and blow the call... 1 time... he either puts in his call pouch or throws it in the garbage! right there in the Archery shop.

[WW Wrote]Hey Troy! That wouldn\'t be Dyrke would it? I don\'t know if he is a big bull killer or not but it sounds like something he might do LOL![/quote]

No WW, It is not Dyrke, His name is Brad B. He blows a call 1 time and either puts it in his call pouch or throws it in the garbage! HE is very successful, so I pay attention, to the sounds he is looking for. I call it the Bull Trigger or a Bull Scream and yes it is very loud ,Raspy and has a VERY High Pitch!! I realize there are others that describe a Bull Scream to cows but... I describe it differently and like this. Troy\'s Secret Weapon is made for the Bull Scream, I am telling the Herd Bull that I am taking all of his girl friends, and will fight him to the death for them! I USE A LOUD HIGH PITCH RASPY BUGLE. So does Brad and So does Dan Moore. I learned it from them.
\"Deertick\" said:
Hey, Troy ... I\'m a horse guy ... tell me more about what you mean about horses and elk being similar.

(Taste? :lol: )

No, I mean, are you talking about body language or actual verbalizations?

Mostly Body language, and interaction with each other as a herd, Horses Show dominance express a Tone in body language, snub you by pointing there rear at you pinning ears, ringing the tail All are visual signs of Tone Mood, dominance ... But listen to there whinnies that will tell you about their mood as well. Tone , intensity and Pitch. I am hoping flystraight will chime in on thais as well.
\"ctdad\" said:
I\'ve tried a bunch of different calls from different call makers. Troy has gone above and beyond to help me with my calling and for that I\'m very grateful. As my calling has improved I\'ve changed my mind about what I like.

I\'m currently struggling to get quality cow sounds with double and triple reeds. But those are the reeds that make the best bugle for me so I will continue to practice and I will use both types if necessary.

If you want better cow sounds with my diaphragm calls you might try turning the call upside down so the tab on the bottom would go up in that case. It will limit you a bit on the higher pitches of the bull call but the cow sounds might be better... it depends upon which model it is .... Worth a try anyhow. Hope that helps----> Troy
So, you have some narrower ones now?

I\'ve tried some of yours in the past, but they seemed too big. I might try some of the new ones this year.
Can\'t go wrong with Wapiti River calls. I\'ve won back to back Canadian Elk Calling Championships with them - they flat out perform. A ridiculous amount of time has gone into testing to make sure that the calls can hit and hold the cleanest, purest notes. In addition, Travis is more than happy to speak privately with people in order to figure out exactly what it is that is/isn\'t working for them, and help them out accordingly. Finally, and I know because I\'ve worked the show circuit with him, but that man gives more free calls to kids than you can begin to imagine. He is out there walking the walk when it comes to helping to get the next generation involved. Can\'t beat the smile that comes across the faces of those kiddos when he hands them a reed or 2 and tells em to come show em how their improving next time hes around. All around good guy and good company. Check out his website or fire him a message under username \"Wapiti\" on this forum and see what he has to offer.
My initial testing with the Wapiti River calls has also been promising. They seem to mold to my palate better than most, due to their unique design, and I\'m getting some great tones out of them.

My go to call for aggressive bull tones last Season was a Carlton may be replaced this Season with the Wapiti River \"Lucky\" triple :cool:

For an external reed call, I have several older Knight and Hale calls that just seem to have just the right tone to get things done...we\'ve put down a lot of bulls with them !
Here is a Grunt Tube comparison I we put together last summer. I was making three sounds all with the same reed through different tubes in the woods. Listen to each one, they are different you be the judge. By the way I was asked not to include one in this review called the chuckler or EL. Before anyone asks.

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OK for some of you guys that don\'t know about elk reeds. Double and Triple reeds are for bull sounds and they are built for clean high notes and major volume. If your trying to use a triple reed for cow sounds your basically beating yourself over the head with a stick. Not sure why anyone would want to beat themselves over the head ?? Why wouldn\'t you grab a single reed and make very easy and outstanding cow and calf sounds with zero effort ??

Put it like this if you have a 7x7 bull elk coming in on a string but you need to make a pleading cow mew to keep him coming down the path and he\'s 40 yards out what would you use :

1. Triple reed that requires major practice on to make any good cow elk sounds. A triple also takes major air force to get that sound out and major control for the sound to come out cleanly like it better if you have a 7x7 Bull elk 40 yards away !!


2. Single reed that basically you just whisper a breath on and the cow mew comes out perfect ?

Now I don\'t want to change the world and change how anyone calls but that exact elk coming in scenario was what made me develop The Pink Lady. I had that 7x7 bull elk coming in and the call I was using was not a single reed that was easy to control and all I can say is well................he\'s still out there !!!!

So for anyone that wants to learn what elk reeds are for.

Single reeds
Great for cow sounds and about any single bull sound you can possibly think of. You can sound like a young bull and if you add a growl with your voice you can sound like a herd bull very easily and you can even do screams and lipbawls. My opinion is single reeds are really all you need for hunting period !! One good reed for everything.

Doubles and Triples
I\'ll lump them together because they are basically the same. Any time you add layers of latex you automatically need to add more air and tongue pressure for them to work. When you add air and tongue pressure you get volume ! Now you may ask what is volume for ? Locating elk !! Triples and doubles are fantastic for reaching elk three and four ridges over that normally would not hear your location bugles. I can tell you they WILL hear your double or Triple reed location bugles !! They are loud and get the attention of elk !!

Now do you need volume for cow sounds ? Absolutely NOT !! How often have you ever heard a cow make locating type mews ??? The only loud sound a cow makes is what people call a estrus buzz which can be loud and very loud at times !! But not many people have even heard this sound in the wild. Most cows and calf\'s are very quiet and almost bird chirp like. I have talked with many people that had a flock of birds surround them only to bust out elk when they never realised it was elk !!

Now you can use doubles and triples for cow sounds but if you do you will hear what sounds like a rubber band vibration at the end of the call. This rubber band sound is NOT music to the elks ears !! You may as well ring a farmers cow bell while your out there !!

So that is the basics of elk reeds and there uses. Now this is my opinion and we all have are own but this comes from years of elk calling and actual elk experiences. So please use this information and shorten your elk learning curve drastically by simply using the proper reeds for the situation you are in at that time.

If you look at my line up of elk reeds you will see 1 double and 1 Triple reed the rest are single reeds meant to be easy to blow as I make them this way. You want and need to be confident when making elk sounds and the easier a reed is to blow the more confident you will be period !!

The one thing I can promise is if you use a reed for it\'s purpose and start with a single reed you WILL become better and more confident in your elk calling !! Then you can move onto the harder doubles and Triples and form your own opinions !! I rarely use doubles and triples and I know elk calling champions that struggle with Triple reeds and do not use them !! We mostly use single reeds even in competition at the World Elk Calling Championships in Vegas !!

I hope this helps some

Wapiti River Outdoors
\"elkmtngear\" said:
My initial testing with the Wapiti River calls has also been promising. They seem to mold to my palate better than most, due to their unique design, and I\'m getting some great tones out of them.

My go to call for aggressive bull tones last Season was a Carlton may be replaced this Season with the Wapiti River \"Lucky\" triple :cool:

For an external reed call, I have several older Knight and Hale calls that just seem to have just the right tone to get things done...we\'ve put down a lot of bulls with them !

Thanks Jeff !!

Jeff is a very accomplished caller and uses reeds for Turkey and Elk !! He has worked his way up and now has his favorite reeds that he likes but believe me he practices !! He is a very dedicated guy with everything he does and is his workmanship shows on his product line !!
