call smart elk


New member
May 20, 2013
i am new to elk hunting  today i was researching the area i want to hunt talking to the game warden of the unit i want to hunt. probably asking way to many ? but thats how i learn. During conversation he told me that calling elk was a thing of the past on public land that the elk here have been called to there entire life and very seldom responding to them and even less come in. I not sure what to think so i thought i would ask some of you season elk hunters what are your thoughts on calling on public land and what kind of success are yall having getting elk to respond come in
I hunt a well hunted area and I still get awnsers to my calls almost every day im out ,but most do not come into you. I use the call to locate and then go to them.once you get close you have a way better chance to chalange one so he will come in. Once they have thier cows with them it gets realy hard almost imposible to get bigger bulls in.In this case its good to have a second area as a back up.
You must've been asking about his honey hole.  I've hunted some pretty busy units and haven't had that issue.  Similar to what Turbo said they all won't be charging in but you'll be able to find enough if they are around.
im hoping so big tex im going up first part of july to scout hopefully they will be in the same general area come sept. a friend thatused to live in and hunt Co.a bunch said it was a great spot to hunt with lots of elk low pressure we will see
I hunt OTC units in Idaho and have for 28 yrs. bulls can and will still come to calling.that being said you have to act and sound like a bull. Neither will every bull come in. Be ready to cover a lot of ground and find bulls that want to engage. Over 14 days last year I had 15 bulls inside of 25 yds come in to calling with the 15th finally offering a broadside shot and the one I wanted at about 15yds. Be ready to do things others may not do. Bugle, rake, be out early/late, cover a lot of ground, be able to make bugles, grunts, screams, cow calls, be prepared and become as good a caller as you can. Good luck 100 days and counting.
thanks Jeremiah johnson great info i plan on hunting 9 day and if i call in one bull itwill be worth the trip.hope there are a few to choose from in the area im hunting cant wait
Hooter-I think you're intel is partially correct in that educated bulls likely won't come in to a primos flute bugle or a hoochie mama.  Get a grunt tube and diaphragm and practice a bunch.  But above all else, don't rely just on your calling to bring them in.  If you locate elk, and that may mean just hearing a faint elk-type sound in the distance...go take the fight to them and fast.  I wasted more opportunities than I care to tally because I was too timid and I tried to call them to myself from long distances.  When I finally took the gloves off and got in close I found many public land bulls that were ready to get after it.  Also being in their comfort zone can make up for some less than professional calling in my experience. 
Where I am in NM elk are very call shy as far as bugles and hoochiemomma goes.Too many truck and atv hunters,even the bow guys.Lazy mans spot and stalk.

If their bugling already you know where they are. I go after them with some cow calls for cover and keep them going. Then mixing it up with grunts,chuckles, weak bugles,raking and varied cow calls brings them in or keeps them talking.
Calling works, that is why most successful hunters are successful. It's knowing what to say and when to say it that makes the difference  ;)
I talk to guys who hunt the same unit as me and my friends that complain that they didnt even hear an elk bugle, let alone call one in during the whole season. But they dont hunt a very large area.  If I cant get an elk to bugle, I relocate. The units in North Idaho are big and if bulls are silent one place, you can drive 25, 50, 100 miles to another spot and be into screaming bulls.

Know your area, have a plan A-Z on where you are going to hunt, commit to doing more than other hunters are willing to do, and never give up. You will find elk to call in. I guarantee it  :)
Farmboy stated it pretty well with a lot of bulls you need to be aggressive. I have had a lot more opportunities while being aggressive vs the timid call him to me thing plus as a bonus it very exciting moving in on one. If one answer my location bugle I will wait a couple of minutes if he answers again, and is not any closer. I won’t call again without getting closer really close If I can.
I look at it this way if someone is yelling insults from the other side of the street. I good with yelling back and feeling like I told him, but if the say guy is standing in my front yard yelling at me and my “girls” that’s a different story someone is getting their ass kick I just didn’t know that “guy” brought an elk hunter with him ;) . Hope this helps.