Can you make this shot?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
35 yards

Any weapon - Bow / ML / Rifle

Can you make this shot?

Will you take this shot?


  • elk shot.jpg
    elk shot.jpg
    65.1 KB · Views: 760
I\'d wait until he took another step.

Can I make it...yes.
Would I make
Rifle yes. Bow, probably but would not take it. When 3d targets are set up like that I occasionally nick the tree!
35 Yds with a rifle? Heck ya! Right under the jaw bone. He\'ll drop right where he is standing. Or you could put one right in the \"V\" if you don\'t mind blood shot shoulder meat. Chance are you\'d loose both shoulders!
ML , Nope!
Bow, Nope! That is unless you are one of those guys that claim they can shoot 2\" groups at 40 yds. I sure can\'t do it!
I will take the shot with my bow. I will shoot just 2 inch to the right of the tree.
Im with Swede.

The spot to hit is the size of a softball.
We should all be able hit a softball at 35yds - yes?

Aim just to the right of the tree and that bull is yours


  • elk shot.jpg
    66.1 KB · Views: 705
Why wait?

If you hit too far back on this shot, the bull walks. If he takes a step forward, and you hit too far back, he\'s gut shot. The heart is in the \">\" and I think you actually have a larger target than a softball here.

I think people here are fearful of hitting the front of the \">\" here, as in \"hitting bone\". It could happen, but it could happen with or without that tree there.
Because I always wait for the best shot. If I was hunting that bull he wouldn\'t know I was there, and wouldn\'t be alert by me, or calls.
I\'m just not sure what it is that\'s behind that tree that you want to shoot.

IF he steps with his right foot first, you have a marginally larger area to hit. You also have a moving target, and certainly with an arrow, this stationary shot is more appealing.

I know why cnelk put this photo up ... it\'s because the tree play tricks with you. But I think you have a much larger vital area here than some seem to think. I would not characterize this as a marginal shot at all.
\"Colorado_Lew\" said:
It looks like there are leaves in the circle. Hence limbs and or twigs.
I\'ll wait for a clear shot.

Good point ... hard to tell until you blow it up. Photos can be deceptive like that whereas in real life you could change your focus.