Can you make this shot?

I could & would. The tree is the only thing close to interfering with my shot. Draw & slightly lean to my right & it would open up more than enough for me to slip an arrow through the good stuff. I practice shooting at contorted body positions all year long. Yep, that ones mine!
Whoa there Buglemaster, leaning to the right changes the sight picture. That may be too much movement with the bull looking your way and hopefully if you have a bow you are already at full draw.
I agree with buglemaster. Come to full draw and lean. There is a gamble but elk aren\'t as spooky as a turkey or wt so its a gamble I\'m comfortable with. I think this is a dead elk.
Barry mentioned the key word. \"Gamble\". That bull could blow up at anything at any second. Lean slooooowly 2 \" & your going to open up 10\" at 35 yds. Been there & done it. That bull is shootable with a bow.
Thwack! Dead bull. I am a bowhunter and I practice all year to make shots like these. Not only is this makeable. This is a VERY easy shot! I\'d bet most would make this 100%. If not, you need to hit the range much more. I see a portion of the vitals exposed that is bigger than a deer\'s vitals and I sure wouldn\'t hesitate on a broadside muley at 35 yards either. Also there is nothing on that bull which is covered up that I\'d want to hit. I respect those that wouln\'t shoot as long as the reason is something other than \" I can\'t make that\".
Bull standing broadside within my comfortable range with his vitals exposed. This is a shot I am hoping for and I am already at full draw.
im waiting. for me to much chance for error an something going wrong. one more step an hes mine. yea theres a risk for sure that he bolts etc, but for me its not worth hitting the shoulder bone an wounding him.
now with a rifle or ml, game on
I am aiming for cnelks circle. I should have a dead bull. I don\'t want to shoot at what is behind the tree and if I hit the tree the bull runs off while I try to remove my arrow.
i\'d go for it!!

the i would use my leatherman to pull my arrow from that tree :D hahah

did we mention \"how far\"? under 30 i think it would be a great shot.
I practice regularly at 40 to 45 yds, and can hit that spot straight up the front leg 9 out of 10 times in a 4 inch diameter circle, easily.

I think I\'d take it. Dead bull!
\"elkmtngear\" said:
I practice regularly at 40 to 45 yds, and can hit that spot straight up the front leg 9 out of 10 times in a 4 inch diameter circle, easily.

I think I\'d take it. Dead bull!

Interesting. How many times could you make the shot if the bull took a step forward? 10 out of 10? Those are the odds I want.
\"Still Hunter\" said:
\"elkmtngear\" said:
I practice regularly at 40 to 45 yds, and can hit that spot straight up the front leg 9 out of 10 times in a 4 inch diameter circle, easily.

I think I\'d take it. Dead bull!

Interesting. How many times could you make the shot if the bull took a step forward? 10 out of 10? Those are the odds I want.

Wouldn\'t matter...because that 4 inch circle is easily clear of that tree. Would not make one bit of difference.

Like I said...I can put my ARROW there 9 out of 10 times at 45 yds. At 35, it would be 10 out of 10...tree or no tree!

If you study elk will see that you do not have to shoot back behind the shoulder to kill that bull.
Agreed ... I don\'t think there is much behind the tree that is a good shot.

Additionally, if that bull takes a step forward with is left front, there\'ll be a smaller area to hit.

Additionally, if that bull takes a step forward, he\'s MOVING. I don\'t like shooting at moving animals with anything, but especially an arrow over 20 yards.

Like elkmtngear said, you don\'t need to be behind the elbow; you ought to be above it. The more game I shoot, the more I\'m impressed with the idea of hitting the more vascular portions of the lungs, and they are in view.

Lew\'s decision to avoid the blurry portion of the photo which is probably a twig is the only caveat here for me.
I\'m more cautious. I was taught that way as a kid. It has kept me from losing any animals over the years. I like clean double lung shots. Even though I can bust through the shoulder with my weapon. I prefer not to. It\'s meat.

I didn\'t mean to push my way on anybody. I should have just given my answer, and let it go at that.
Still Hunter ... now, don\'t take me wrong, here, but I\'m going to be a little sarcastic:

See, I was raised to take stupid chances and have disregard for animals I hunt, and I\'ve lost so many over the years I\'ve lost count.

See how that sounds? You don\'t have to \"bust through a shoulder\" to make this shot. If you hit the shoulder here, you missed.

Actually, I\'ve never lost an animal with an arrow, and I don\'t intend to. Nor do I \"take chances\" ... I happen to think aiming further back is taking a chance, particularly on a moving animal. A moving animal. I don\'t think \"caution\" has anything to do with it, nor does \"busting a shoulder\".

Now as to the issue of meat, you\'re right, but it\'s minimal damage with an arrow. It\'s also a quicker death for the animal.
Who said anything about a moving animal?

Part of the kill zone is blocked by the tree. If you have part of it blocked you have less chance of keeping it in the zone if you miss a bit. I don\'t want to sound like I can\'t hit a small target, but I want all the odds in my favor. If someone says they can make the shot 9 out of 10 times. Aren\'t they saying they miss 1 out of 10 times? Is that good enough?

btw You misunderstand what I said in my last post, but i\'m used to that. I said what I do, and why. Why do you take that to mean i\'m saying you all don\'t? Why is it when I say something that I do on a forum that some think i\'m putting them down? If I can\'t give my opinion of what I do. Why am I even here?
I have seen 3D targets setup just like the above photo at many shoots and can tell you all, that 7 out of 10 guys cannot make that shot. There is something about having the tree on the left that messes with them and they pull the shot to the right or end up hitting the tree. That is on foam!! On real hide and hair you have to deal with the emotions of having a big bull in that close too.
I shoot the open class and on foam I can make the shot every day of the week.
But real life I will still wait and when the bull steps out, I\'ll stop him and shoot him.
I would much rather take the minute for him to step out and make a shot that I know will kill him clean then to rush it.
Until then I am going to enjoy having that big boy in close.

I think on another thread this would fall into the \"slow down\" comments.
\"Colorado_Lew\" said:
I have seen 3D targets setup just like the above photo at many shoots and can tell you all, that 7 out of 10 guys cannot make that shot. There is something about having the tree on the left that messes with them and they pull the shot to the right or end up hitting the tree. That is on foam!! On real hide and hair you have to deal with the emotions of having a big bull in that close too.
I shoot the open class and on foam I can make the shot every day of the week.
But real life I will still wait and when the bull steps out, I\'ll stop him and shoot him.
I would much rather take the minute for him to step out and make a shot that I know will kill him clean then to rush it.
Until then I am going to enjoy having that big boy in close.

I think on another thread this would fall into the \"slow down\" comments.


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