Deertick\'s 2015 WY Archery Antelope Hunt - VIDEO & Pics

The shot was a bit back...

He ran out about 75 yards and then he layed down.
The does and fawns wondering what was going on...


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We checked the time and then we waited.....

About 15 minuted later, a golden eagle landed near him and checked out a possible lunch...


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The eagle decided that it wasnt quite lunchtime and took off.

We waited a bit longer and then John made his way up to his buck


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Big congrats to John!!!!
We retrieved both of the arrows.

The 125 ViperTrick did its job!
A quality broadhead helping the end result when the hit was a bit back


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\"cnelk\" said:
The eagle decided that it wasnt quite lunchtime and took off.

We waited a bit longer and then John made his way up to his buck

Awesome picture and that is so cool the eagle came in.

Some more pics of the hunter and quarry


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John went back and got the ATV and gear to dress out the buck.
You can see the blind and water hole in the background


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We loaded everything up and got ready to make our way back to the truck


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What a great day to spend on the Wyoming prairie with a good friend!

Congrats again John!


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Very nice Buck. Thanks for sharing your hunt.

Why isn\'t the other guy in the picture smiling? ;)
It was a fun hunt. And that was the goal, after all. I wasn\'t really out for a trophy, though I\'m pleased with the buck that I shot.

A few notes from the shooter:

1. I accidentally launched an arrow while drawing. I don\'t think that\'s ever happened to me before. My first thought was \"Am I that nervous?\" Maybe, but it didn\'t feel like it. Nonetheless, it tells me that my \"muscle memory\" for shooting isn\'t there yet. I\'ve been shooting this summer, but not \"a lot\" and I think this is where I almost need to go back to blind bale shooting for a while to develop muscle memory.

2. My shot was BACK. Maybe I was flustered by that first shot. (Well, I know I was cussing, so that\'s a good sign!) But still, I hit him too far back. Pronghorn aren\'t Cape Buffalo, and I\'ve never seen one shot with anything that wasn\'t later recovered, and I\'ve been in on over 50 pronghorn kills over the years, probably more.

3. He was walking at the shot. What? I was surprised to see that on video. More evidence that my brain was not concentrating on what it needed to be on.

4. The wind influenced that shot, too. I had the option of bringing arrows with FOBs instead of Blazer vanes. Would that have made a difference? Maybe, maybe not.

5. Shooting out of a blind is tougher that it looks! You have to hit the window. You are in an uncomfortable position. The noise is loud when the wind blows. Oh, and then there\'s that guy with the camera to record all your mistakes! Of course, he\'s also there to give range information, etc.

6. I\'m thinking that if I go next year (\"if\"? WHEN!) I will need a new blind. (Brad was good enough to bring his for us yesterday. Mine is old and in poor shape.) I\'m thinking something much bigger. Do they make them big enough to stand in?

7. I\'ve never had trouble with setting up the blind on the day of the hunt. Yesterday, they were a little skittish, more so than in the past, but still they came in all morning.

8. A trail camera would be real interesting to use here. I\'ve done it before, but only for about a week.
Oh, and thanks, Brad!

It was great fun to have you along to document the hunt, but also just to have someone to sit and talk with during the lulls in the action. Oh, and with this style of hunting, you need to have your head on a swivel all the time, and a second set of eyes was great to have.
Thanks for sharing that. Those critters are on my list after I\'m too crippled to get up and down the mountains. I think they make a beautiful mount

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