Elk hunt or Tropic vacation

I think most guys would answer elk hunt, but to keep the Mrs. happy you should answer tropics. My wife wants to go on a cruise and I keep telling her when we have the money to do it we will go to Alaska. That way she gets her cruise and I get to hunt. Its a win win.
I'm taking my wife to the Carribean next month and we'll be hunting in September.
Considering I haven't been on any Hawaii sites...ever and have logged more hours than I care toadmit on this just the last week I would have to go with the elk hunt.
Both well kinda.

I go out west elk hunting for 2 weeks every year DIY,
And ever winter I take my Wife to Foley, Alabama to visit her Mom, for a week to 10 days.
And I do some fishing in the Gulf while we are there, so it works out good for us.

To hunt or not to hunt?what a stupid question.If my wife wants a vacation to together we are going moose hunting.But she knew that when she met me and still in love 19 years later  :) .Buying her tags tomorrow.I guess she is going hunting with me as normal  ;D .