First Elk Blood 2016

Who is heading out opening day?

I don\'t know who will draw first blood, but I know it\'ll be in CO.

I have a few names in mind that could all easily tag opening day!
Will be sitting in a stand hoping for a fat, lone cow opening morning. Heading out Friday around Noon and will check cameras on 2 properties then decide where I\'m hunting. I\'ll be sitting up there dreaming of the big bulls I get to hunt later in the season!

Sorry Billy Goat but it\'s more likely from Team 4!
I think will is going to be out deer hunting opening day again....

So I\'m saying Brad or Francis!
It\'s gonna be me!!!!! :D :D :mg: :mg:

But it\'ll be in my dreams.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I have given great thought and my prediction has to be------------------------more later....

Ask me Saturday or Sunday....

Now if Cole is going, he\'s my choice but since he not on here he wouldn\'t count would he????
No clue but this unemployment has left me a lot of time to research, train, shoot and research some more. I\'m feeling pretty good for this opening weekend. I hope to be joined my my son, who\'s 14 now. He hasn\'t been to this spot for two years. We\'re leaving 5 minutes after he gets home from school on Friday, 3.5 hour drive but on a Friday I\'m factoring in another hour so camp will be set up in the dark. We will set up a minimal camp, eat dinner and hit the bed. I will be in the woods the entire time (legal hunting hours) until 3:00 Sunday then we have to head back home.

This is the \"spot\" Brad turned me onto a few years ago. I was at full draw on a stubborn bull last year that decided to eat on the other side of the Juniper instead of coming out. I hope he\'s still around. I have game cameras in the area which is going to be pretty cool if I get any action. I\'ve avoided the area for 5 weeks now. I\'m bringing another as two years ago we had elk come through camp after we had left for the day. I may post my son up in camp the second morning if we find this pattern again. Nothing like shooting one from the tent, eh?

Either way, I am 45 minutes away from a shitty signal and two hours away from a good signal. I\'ll be posting up if we happen to get one!
Called in a bull at 7:15 am opening morning !! Brought him in on a string for a buddy and unfortunately he shot high and I believe he shot the void area below the spine. The was spotty blood to follow and it was dark red and not frothy pinkish blood like a lung shot !! After about 80 yards the drops of blood were finished and we searched for 5 hours for more drops and found nothing !!

Going back out to try for another one in the morning and now I\'m the shooter !!

We were walking down a ridge and I was cow calling every 60-80 yards. 2 basic mews and after our 3rd time I saw a bull standing just off the trail 60 yards away. He caught us walking down and spooked. So I gave a few more mews and he slowed down.

We waited 10 minutes and continued on down the ridge to a well traveled game trail I knew about that leads to a wallow and grass meadows in the middle of the of my secret honey holes !! Once again we gave out 2 cow mews and bull bugled 150-200 yards north of us. I waited 5 more minutes and gave another 2 cow mews. I always give 2 mews so the bull can hear the first one and key in on the second. We also waited the 5 minutes and then gave the two cow mews to see the direction of travel the bull was in. He was moving west towards the grass area\'s.

The game trail I was on was going to the north west and I knew it would bring me closer to the bull but more importantly kept us moving into the wind perfectly. Once we got 80 yards from the meadow the bull bugled again and I moved my buddy 20 yards north and into the open timber. I then gave some very pleading cow mews and the bull starting coming directly towards me. The bull was circling down wind of my buddy so I snuck up the trail past my buddy for about 60 yards. I then gave out more pleading mews and some calf talk. The bull chuckled and a cow and a calf came out of the thick bush in front of my buddy Jason. Up until that moment I thought the bull was alone !

The calf walked up to Jason and sniffed his pants as he stood beside a poplar tree. The cow walked right up behind the calf and they spooked past Jason to his left and came up to me as I was cow calling still. Then the bull bugled and moved into Jason\'s view. The bull was moving to Jason\'s left and as his head past behind a poplar tree.......Jason drew his bow and was still as the bull walked into his shooting lane. Then for some reason the bull stopped perfectly !! Jason had just ranged that tree at 26 yards and the bull was just past it so he put his 30 yard pin halfway up but just back from his crease and release. The arrow sunk up to the fletching and the lite up nock was glowing as the bull streaked away.

Next thing I know there is a bull coming into my calling and from my left. This new bull let\'s out some whiny type sounds and I\'m assuming he was talking to me. So I mew to him and he moves a round me and down the hill towards the trail we just walked in on. I then slip down to Jason and he gives me the details of the shot and tells me about the calf sniffing his leg !! He is pumped with the shot and all of a sudden there is a crash sound down the trail where we came in at and we assume more elk are coming. The sounds go silent.

We sit down and be quiet for 35 minutes and eat while we wait. Then we go look for blood and find very little. We soon find drops here and there and the blood goes up the ridge right to where I had been cow calling from !!! Now we are thinking the bull Jason shot circled over and came to my cow calling again as this is what the blood is showing us. We follow the blood and it runs out and there was very little and lost the whole trail !! We look for 5 hours and find nothing !!

What are your guy\'s idea\'s ? Jason feels his shot was spot on and lungs but the blood was dark red and although had small bubbles to me it wasn\'t lung blood. I still think his shot was high and in the void area.

I hate that Trav and his buddy, Jason couldn\'t fine the elk Jason shot... :cry: :cry: We all know that happens from time to time... None of us are immune to not finding critters we have blooded... :( :(

I know ya did but I\'m going to ask anyway, did ya\'ll look real good in the area where ya\'ll heard the crash?????????
I drew 1st blood!!!!!!!!

Wasn\'t hunting nor was it critter blood, it was mine... :lol: :lol:

That happens too often now... :haha: :haha:
\"Ol\' Arky\" said:
I hate that Trav and his buddy, Jason couldn\'t fine the elk Jason shot... :cry: :cry: We all know that happens from time to time... None of us are immune to not finding critters we have blooded... :( :(

I know ya did but I\'m going to ask anyway, did ya\'ll look real good in the area where ya\'ll heard the crash?????????

Yes sir 5 hours after the shot and went back that night and looked with other buddies and still nothing. We actually did a massive grid search with all of us walking 10 yards arrow....and not dead bull at the end of any trail !! I honesty think he lived and was shot through the void !!

But we going back tomorrow morning after our hunt and going to sit and watch and listen for birds as they should be on him if he is dead. Worst case we find a Grizzly on him !!!! :agg:

I\'ll keep you all posted as we are going back after I shoot my bull in the morning and get him packed out to the truck and have drawn FIRST BLOOD !!

\"Deertick\" said:
What kind of call sequence/scenario/set-up were you running?

So basic mews and calf talk and then once the bull was closer I used very pleading type cow mews.. That\'s it !! I never even took my bugle tube out. This was a small area and there was zero wind so I knew cow mews would cover the area so I elected to not bugle and just be one of the girls covering the area !!

Being early season I wanted to be on the quiet side and not start hammering on a location bugle if it wasn\'t necessary.

Hope that answer\'s your question properly then my big write up previously. I got swept away with what happened.

Thanks again


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